After you get the record, unset $this->Applicant->id:

function copytest($id)
		$this->Applicant->id = $id;
		$this->data = ""
		unset($this->Applicant->id = $id;);
		$this->data['Applicant']['schoolyear_id'] = 16;
I didnt test it, but this may help.

Brian French

Thanks for the reply.

I tried unsetting the 'id' value, but most strangely, the result is
that it changes the original record anyway!

I've tried it a dozen times, just to make sure, but that is indeed what
is happening.

function copytest($id)
		$this->Applicant->id = $id;
		$this->data = ""
		$this->data['Applicant']['schoolyear_id'] = 16;

If I pass it $id = 1, then it modifies record 1 in the database and
sets the schoolyear = 16.

If instead, I use this code:

function copytest($id)
		$this->Applicant->id = $id;
		$this->data = ""
		$this->data['Applicant']['id'] = null;
		$this->data['Applicant']['schoolyear_id'] = 16;

It leaves record 1 alone, and creates a copy into record 2 with
schoolyear = 16 -- which is exactly what I want, EXCEPT that it also
creates copies into record 3 and record 4, both with schoolyear = 16 as

Any ideas?


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