I don't think Nate was flaming Dieter.  So, it shouldn't be a problem.
Nate was flaming all those people that want to configure and
reconfigure over and over again.  Those are the same people with
spaghetti code.  And even the ones that don't have spaghetti code, that
have studied well and make their own standards, wouldn't it be much
easier if they just used CakePHP which has standards which is what the
conventions are.  It is a standard way of outputting so you know what
to expect without having to type all over the place.

Before I found CakePHP I use to wonder how people can do open source, I
mean I realized it was good at getting the best result because the most
minds could work on it, but why not make money?  I just didn't get it.
Now, I found CakePHP and donate my monthly money, contribute to this
Google group, and worked hard to debug the code when it was RC and
preRC.  I did all this because I believed in CakePHP and it's mission.

I know that I myself often get frustrated with people who are new to
CakePHP and want it to do things the way they use to do them.  Back in
the days when they took months to write applications and ended up with
some level of spaghetti code just simply because it worked.  I also get
frustrated with people who are so quick to say, CakePHP is screwing up,
or not working right!  Instead of trying to actually debug their app,
discover the behaviour, become familiar with CakePHP and love it.  So
many people it seems forget that this is code, not life.  It follows a
predesigned set of rules.  The output is predictable.  And when you get
unpredicted results, you can debug it because there isn't chance, or
life in the equation.  Making any application work isn't the result of
throwing dice until it lands on 7.  It is the result of resolving
problems as they arise.  Every programming problem has a solution.  And
often it is simple and not that CakePHP is broken, but that you forgot
case sensitivity or didn't know how to turn off mod_rewrite in CakePHP.

So, it wasn't a flame, but an expression of angst against those that
just don't get it.  That don't realize that by following standards
(even if imposed by CakePHP) is much better way of coding than
reinventing the wheel from the ground up.

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