You will call a function that will then run an AJAX call, get the
result, and manipulate it.  Based on the result you will create
childNodes no innerHTML or replacing.  Actual DOM methods.  It is
probably programming level advanced, which is below expert.  Personally
I would recommend using jQuery if you aren't too deep in Rico.  Easier
to write custom code with jQuery.  The difference is like coding PHP in
CakePHP versus doing it in raw PHP.

So, search for add table row script and you should find one that
doesn't use innerHTML or cloneNode.

var tblBody = document.getElementById(tblId).tBodies[0];
  var newNode = tblBody.rows[0].cloneNode(true);

So, instead of using the cloneNode you would have a whole drawn out
process to manually create the node based on your AJAX results.

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