
just a few weeks ago, I discovered Ruby and Ruby on Rails, and
instantly fell in love with it.  My webhoster doesn't offer Ruby,
so I set out to search for an alternative and I found CakePHP.
However, even though I never seriously used Ruby on Rails and
only toyed around with it for three weeks or so, it already seems
to be so deeply ingrained in my brain that I'm having problems
wrapping my head around some concepts in CakePHP.  Is there any
resource/website/FAQ/wiki for people coming from Ruby on Rails to
CakePHP which maps Rails idioms/patterns to CakePHP?

Here are some examples that I found dead easy to do in Rails and
that are probably equally easy in CakePHP, just that I haven't
yet found out how to do them:

 - join models
 - object-relational mapping of inheritance
 - polymorphic associations
 - Acts (acts allow you to decorate a model's behaviour with
     additional orthogonal aspects and encapsulate that behaviour
     in a single, central place)
 - join models
 - the migration DSL (in fact, all of Rails' DSLs, including but
     not limitied to the Model DSL)

Two other things I haven't currently found yet are CakePHP's
equivalents to the RadRails IDE and the Agile Web Development
with Ruby on Rails, Rails Recipes and Ruby for Rails books.

Please note that this mail is by no means intended as CakePHP
criticism and/or Rails advocacy.  It just so happens that I found
Rails before I found CakePHP and that there are things I know how
to do in Rails that are not immediately obvious to me how to do
them in CakePHP -- not because CakePHP is somehow less powerful
than Rails, just because it's different; after all, it's CakePHP,
not PHP on Rails.

Anyway, I figured I'm not the only one who has come to CakePHP
via Rails, so maybe somebody has already compiled a list of
equivalents and possible gotchas and posted them somewhere?

Thanks in advance for your help,

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