Class MembersController extends AppController{
    var $name = 'Members';   // 5555
    var $helpers = array('Form');
    var $components = array('Session');
    var $uses = array('Member','Myprofile');
    //var $scaffold;

   function register()
        /// $Myprofile = new Myprofile();
        if(!empty ($this->data)){
   //  $this->loadModel('Myprofile');
            && $this->Myprofile->save($this->data['Myprofile']





I try to implement function that I bring someone But I can not call
myprofile model It took me three days to fix this problem. Then I
started discouraging.I just want to get the views of the seven
values​​ then divided. Members tables three , Myprofile tables four

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