To be a little more clear about your problem, look at this small part
of your code:
In this snippet you are passing two strings as parameters. Those array
elements you name each contain strings that came from the  form
$_Post. If this isn't clear, your going to have to read a little more
about php arrays to get a little clearer understanding.

$this->data is a properly structured cakePHP data array. I assume
you've used the Form Helper (smart move). That pretty much insures
that you get back an array you can use in your saves with no other


On May 5, 2:05 am, taq <> wrote:
> <?php
>  //app::import('Model',array('Myprofile'));
> Class MembersController extends AppController{
>     var $name = 'Members';   // 5555
>     var $helpers = array('Form');
>     var $components = array('Session');
>     var $uses = array('Member','Myprofile');
>     //var $scaffold;
>    function register()
>     {
>         /// $Myprofile = new Myprofile();
>         if(!empty ($this->data)){
>          $this->Member->create();
>    //  $this->loadModel('Myprofile');
>      $this->Myprofile->create();
> if($this->Member->save(($this->data['Member']['username']),($this->data['Member']['password']))
>             && $this->Myprofile->save($this->data['Myprofile']
> ['name']))
>                                       ($this->data['Myprofile']
> ['address']),
>                                       ($this->data['Myprofile']
> ['phonenumber'])));
>               {
>          $this->Session->setFlash('success');
>                     $this->redirect('index');
>             }
>             else
>             {
>              $this->Session->setFlash('failed');
>              }
> I try to implement function that I bring someone But I can not call
> myprofile model It took me three days to fix this problem. Then I
> started discouraging.I just want to get the views of the seven
> values​​ then divided. Members tables three , Myprofile tables four
> values

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