I have what I think is a simple model and I am trying to apply some
conditions, but it appears that the conditions are being ignored.

Here is a simplified version of the models (that is, I left out some
lines for brevity):

Model 1 - Query:
class Query extends AppModel {

        var $name = 'Query';
        var $belongsTo = array(
                'Industry' => array(
                        'className' => 'Industry',
                        'conditions' => array('Industry.code' => '11')

Note that, if it matters, the code is defined in the DB as a VARCHAR.

Model 2 - Industry:
class Industry extends AppModel {

        var $hasMany = array(
                'Query' => array(
                        'dependent' => true


When I do the following in a controller, I get ALL rows, not just the
rows filtered by the condition:

$industries = $this->Query->Industry->find('list');

Am I doing something wrong?


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