Hi to all, expecially to CakePHP developer, Mark Story...

this is more question for you Mark, probably you are only who knows
what is my problem, so, in cakephp <= 2.0.0-dev this code works

my code is in image, link below

this is my custom component, where i have configured authentication

and AppController::isAdminAction() is my own method, to check if is
admin action, it looks in params to check...


...but now, on 2.0.0-alpha this code works good only in 1 way, so...
if user doesn't have access to some action, then he is redirected to
login page, and message "You don't have access to this page. Please
log in!" IS displayed.

But when i click on login button on this page, page is refreshed but
nothing happend, no error message, no redirect, i check my
UsersController::admin_login and i make pr($this->request->data) but
there is no data,
in beforeFilter there was data, but password was not hashed

so what i have to do, if i want that my auth component work on 2.0.0-
alpha version

PS: i check AuthComponent file and read all manual before property is
declared and all, but i don't understand anything...

Thanks to all, who knows how to resolve my problem...:)

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