The documentation at,
is really not explaining what each setting used in the code means, nor
it has a link to the API documentation.
Even the API documentation is completely confusing for the beginner.
Check this out from

"authorize mixed
The name of the component to use for Authorization or set this to
'controller' will validate against Controller::isAuthorized()
'actions' will validate Controller::action against an
AclComponent::check() 'crud' will validate mapActions against an
AclComponent::check() array('model'=> 'name'); will validate
mapActions against model $name::isAuthorized(user, controller,
mapAction) 'object' will validate Controller::action against
object::isAuthorized(user, controller, action)"

Man, me as a beginner can't understand a word what's written there.
And I am pretty sure that I might not be the only one. The cookbook
must write those in a comprehensible form, so that we can make sense
of the API documentation.

Also 5.2, doesn't
explain what the AuthComponent is doing under the hood. It seems
magical to me.

All this seems frustrating. This is what I tried (see comments in
login() function).Basically I don't think the session is being saved
(I am assuming that AuthComponent is doing that internally for me):
class MembersController extends AppController {

        var $name = 'Members';
        var $components = array('Auth' => array(
                        'authorize' => 'actions',
                        'actionPath' => 'controllers/',
                        'userModel' => 'member', //Database table and model to 
                        'loginAction' => array(
                                'controller' => 'members', //CTP file's 
controller name
                                'action' => 'login' //Redirect to login.ctp file
                        'logoutRedirect' => array('controller' => 'members', 
'action' =>

        function beforeFilter() {

        function login() {
                if ($this->Session->read('Auth.User')) { //Doesn't seem to pass 
if statement
                        $this->Session->setFlash('You are logged in!');
                        $this->redirect('/members', null, false);
        function logout() {

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