hi john. yea it's 1.

i have got it working another way with this kind of array:
$tags = array (
    0 => array (
        'Tag' => array (
             'id' => 123458,
                        'name' => 'test_tag3',
            'link' => 'xxx',
            'source' => 'yyy',
            'rank' => 2
        'Artist' => array (
            'Artist' => array (
                0 => 7 // this being the artist_id
    1 => array (
        'Tag' => array (
            'id' => 123456,
            'name' => 'existing_tag',
            'link' => 'xxx',
            'source' => 'yyy',
            'rank' => 3
        'Artist' => array (
            'Artist' => array (
                0 => 7 // this being the artist_id

but now it's deleting the already saved associations.
which leads me to this habtmAdd behavior.
seems like i'm on the right track. but

$this->Artist->habtmAdd('Tag', 1, 123456); //artist_id=1, tag id =

does nothing.

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