
not sure, but it looks like for me if the password ($this->Auth-
>password('demo')) is already encoded, and when it checks then encode it again.

Is that true?


On Thu, Sep 15, 2011 at 12:11 PM, byqsri <marco.rizze...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I have my CAKEPHP application ... I have create a demo user and an
> action in users controller called "demo" to allow access like demo
> user:
> function demo {
>        $this->Auth->logout();
>        $this->data[$this->Auth->fields['username']] = 'demo';
>        $this->data[$this->Auth->fields['password']] = $this->Auth-
>        if (!($this->Auth->login($data))) {
>                $this->redirect($this->Auth->loginAction);
>        } else {
>                $this->Session->delete('Auth.redirect');
>                //print_r($this->Session->read('Auth.User.username'));die();
>                $this->Auth->loginRedirect = array('admin' => 
> false,'controller' =>
> 'demo', 'action' => 'index');
>        }
> }
> Now in a page of another site I have add a link that redirect to  /
> users/demo of my cake application.
> But If I click on this link I don't login in cakephp application and I
> redirect to login page instead that on /demo/index
> But If i uncomment the line print_r($this->Session-
>>read('Auth.User.username'));die(); and the I reclick on link I can
> see that it show the correct username "demo".
> Can someone help me about this problem?
> Many Thanks
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