As soon as you start playing with Ajax requests you really do need to
install FireBug or something similar so you can look at the console
and see if requests are being fired, with what data and what is being
returned.  Without it your debugging bling most of the time.

HTH, Paul

On Sep 17, 4:15 pm, aortizhi <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> i have a problem using this ajax function, i'm new on cakephp and
> don't know if i'm making a mistake.
> I hace a observeFiel in my view as follows:
> <?php echo $this->Form->create('ArchivosSistema', array('action' =>
> 'add1'));?>
>         <fieldset>
>                 <legend><?php __('Agregar un archivo al sistema'); ?></legend>
>         <p>Por favor llene los siguientes campos: <br />Datos para
> crear archivo:</p>
>         <?php
>                 echo $this->Form->input('proveedore_id');
>                 echo $this->Form->input('nombre_archivo');
>                 echo $this->Form->input('token_separador');
>                 echo $this->Form->input('Tabla_Correspondiente', 
> array('options' =>
> $campos, 'empty'=>'--Seleccionar--'));
>         ?>
>     <?php
>         echo $ajax->observeField( 'ArchivosSistemaTokenSeparador',
> array('url' => array( 'action' => 'myfunction' ), 'frequency' =>
> 0.1,));
>     </fieldset>
> <?php echo $this->Form->end(__('Aceptar', true));?>
> and in my controller i have 'myFunction' just doing an echo as
> follows:
> class ArchivosSistemasController extends AppController {
>         var $name = 'ArchivosSistemas';
>         var $helpers = array('Html','Ajax','Javascript');
>         var $components = array( 'RequestHandler' );
>         all other functions goes here.....
>         function myfunction(){
>                 echo "Llama la funcion";
>         }
> }
> but it does anything when i change the value to the field
> token_separador, can anyone help

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