I took a look in others posts, but I couldn't resolve my problem.
I'm trying acess the action register(http://localhost/cake/users/
register),but the cake show me this message:

Error: UsersController could not be found.
Error: Create the class UsersController below in file: app\controllers
class UsersController extends AppController {

        var $name = 'Users';

==>>There're my files:

Directory:  app\controllers
File: users_controller.php
class UsersController extends AppController{

        var $name = 'Users';

        function register(){
                                $this->flash('Your registration information was 
                                $this->flash('There was a problem with your 


Directory:  app\models
File: user.php
class User extends AppModel{

        var $name = 'User';

Directory:  app\views\users
File: register.ctp
Code: Code view

I'm using easyphp and putting myapplication in "C:\Program Files
I really want learn more about CakePHP but i cannot continue with this
problem. Any Ideia?

Thanks for attention, Victor.

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