
i have a few problems i can't solve ..

im using cake 2.0.0-RC3 and PHP Version 5.3.1
cake default layout , debug 2

in my controller i only have one simple line: (the corresponding view
is completly empty)


but nothing happens, just a white page.

same with:

$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'test', 'action' => 'view'));

also i cant get the sessions working.

i have this line in my appcontroller:

public $components = array('Session');

(is this line needed ? and/or anything else to use sessions? )

in my controller (extend appcontroller) the only 3 lines are:

echo $this->Session->check('lastVisit');
$this->Session->write('lastVisit', time());
echo $this->Session->check('lastVisit');

--> no output just an empty cakephp layout without any content

any idea whats the problem ?

Thanks in advance..

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