The CakePHP core team is very exited to announce a major jump in the version
numbering. CakePHP 2.0 stable is out! we have put endless hours into this
release and great ideas have made it into the the framework for this
version. This is a quick summary of what 2.0 means for you

The CakePHP core team is very exited to announce a major jump in the version
numbering. CakePHP 2.0 stable is out! we have put endless hours into this
release and great ideas have made it into the the framework for this
version. This is a quick summary of what 2.0 means for you:

   - We have dropped PHP 4 support and we have refactored all the code to be
   strictly compliant with PHP 5.2+.
   - Use of native features like exceptions, PDO, SPL, json_encode and much
   - Embraced the PSR-0 recommendation for file naming. Now all your classes
   map to a file with the same name. Less things to remember!
   - New Error and Exception handlers provide easier to configure, and ease
   working with errors such as page not found, unauthorized error and lots
   - Improved I18n functions for easier multilingual development.
   - Support for injecting your own objects to act as CakePHP libraries,
   such as component, helpers and behaviors, no more excuses for modifying core
   - Console libraries rebuilt from scratch, automatic help generation,
   parameter checking, and colors!
   - New Request and Response objects for easier handling of HTTP requests.
   - Better session handling for easier custom engines. Put your sessions
   into storage systems like Memcache with less effort.
   - Completely refactored Auth system. It is now easier to configure and
   plug in your own implementations for external login services or your
   permissions system.
   - Brand new email library with support for multiple transports. With easy
   to use global configuration, logging, and charset support.
   - Dropped SimpleUnit in favor of PHPUnit. PHPUnit is the defacto testing
   framework for PHP with support for more options, better mock objects, and
   improved console output [16]
   - Reworked the SecurityComponent to not suck less, now you can more
   easily protect your apps against CSRF and form tampering attacks while
   having fun.
   - Improved support for PostgreSql, SQLite and SqlServer, they are now
   first class citizens along with Mysql datasource.
   - HTML 5 form inputs support in form helper.
   - A Sexier default look taking advantage of new CSS 3 features.
   - A lot faster, almost everything is now lazy-loaded, and even on debug
   mode you will feel your applications flying.
   - We are probably falling short in describing all the goodness CakePHP
   2.0 is bundling, so we invite you to read the excellent new book[1] that we
   have put together to make this release the best documented version of the
   framework yet. You're invited to watch this video[2] to get a better idea of
   all the goodness inside 2.0, we also have slides! [3] Also take some time to
   check out this video[4] that details the roadmap we followed to bring you
   today's release. The overall CakePHP ecosystem has also been improved. We
   took the time to make the complete core test suite run with a single
   command. This allowed us to measure the health of the core code using the
   new continuous integration server[5]. We are more confident than ever, that
   this is a rock solid framework.

For those of you migrating from CakePHP 1.3, please check the very detailed
migration guide[6] and make sure you use the new Upgrade shell bundled with
this release. A lot of applications have already been migrated and overall
opinions on the process is that it is very smooth and straight forward. This
version already comes with a complete working ecosystem of well known and
new plugins. This is a list of some noteworthy:

   - DebugKit [7]: provides a development toolbar an additional tools to
   measure performance, get requests history, inspect view variables and other
   - AclExtras [8]: easy generation and synchronization of Access control
   objects for you ACL permissions
   - Localized [9]: A set of country specific classes for validation a
   displaying correct texts for each country in your application
   - Datasources [10]: Additional datasources such as XmlRPC, Ldap, and more
   - Migrations [11]: Easy database schema migrations and history tracking
   - Search [12]: Create complex search queries out from url requests in
   - Entity [13]: Make your models return objects instead of arrays
   - MongoDb [14]: A drop in solution to use MongoDB as a database, you
   won't even notice you changed the datasource!
   - MongoCake [15]: Compatibility bridge with Doctrine ODM to use MongoDB
   and return objects in models Since 2.0.0-RC3 there have been 79 commits and
   20 tickets resolved. Some of the changes include:
   - Added support for configuring the body and header charset in CakeEmail,
   this allows users to send emails in japanese charsets.
   - Updated all internal documentation links.
   - Dropped string syntax for configuring behaviors and helpers. It is not
   possible to do array('MyBehavior' => 'config string') use the array syntax
   - Using sessions with custom adapters will not throw errors anymore.
   - Unused Exception classes were removed. A huge thanks to all involved in
   terms of both contributions through commits, tickets, documentation edits,
   and otherwise contribute to the framework. Without you there would be no
   - Download a packaged release [17] View the changelog [18]


   - [1]
   - [2]
   - [3]
   - [4]
   - [5]
   - [6]
   - [7]
   - [8]
   - [9]
   - [10]
   - [11]
   - [12]
   - [13]
   - [14]
   - [15]
   - [16]
   - [17]
   - [18]

Larry E. Masters

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