Thanks . I will try it out

On Oct 18, 12:20 pm, Matthew Kaufman <> wrote:
> Hey FYI though; I just built a database.php config manually; here is my
> file: And it DOES connect SUCCESSFULLY; FYI.
> <?php
> /*
>     Database table: “people”
>     Model class: “Person”, found at /app/Model/Person.php
>     Controller class: “PeopleController”, found at
> /app/Controller/PeopleController.php
>     View template, found at /app/View/People/index.ctp
> */
> {
>     public $default = array(
>         'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql',
>         'persistent' => false,
>         'host' => 'localhost',
>         'port' => '3306',
>         'login' => 'root',
>         'password' => '[removed]',
>         'database' => 'cake_2_0'
>     );}
> ?>
> Matthew M. Kaufman
> 503-881-6906
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 1:17 PM, Matthew Kaufman <> wrote:
> > Hey, Last Night:
> > I tried to paste my entire output of my Cake Bake output for Baking a
> > Database Config:
> > I get the same Fatal Error in output:
> > (Paste of zer0_gravity):
> > PHP Fatal error:  Class 'DATABASE_CONFIG' not found in
> > /var/www/cake_2_0/lib/Cake/
> > Console/Command/Task/DbConfigTask.php on
> > line 262
> > Fatal error: Class 'DATABASE_CONFIG' not found in
> > /var/www/cake_2_0/lib/Cake/Console/Command/Task/DbConfigTask.php on
> > line 262
> > Here's my post from last night:
> > Hello,
> > I have always been worried about releases between Cake versions; however I
> > have/had/have the feeling that Cake 2.0 Stable is finally what I have been
> > waiting for: However, it is late at night and I am slightly tired [not
> > common]; and I just wanted to post this for documentation purposes.
> > Am I doing something stupid or is there a bug here?
> > root@mkfmnweb:/var/www/cake_2_
> > 0# ./lib/Cake/Console/cake bake
> > Welcome to CakePHP v2.0.0 Console
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > App : app
> > Path: /var/www/cake_2_0/app/
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > Interactive Bake Shell
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > [D]atabase Configuration
> > [M]odel
> > [V]iew
> > [C]ontroller
> > [P]roject
> > [F]ixture
> > [T]est case
> > [Q]uit
> > What would you like to Bake? (D/M/V/C/P/F/T/Q)
> > > D
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > Database Configuration:
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > Name:
> > [default] >
> > Driver: (Mysql/Postgres/Sqlite/Sqlserver)
> > [Mysql] > Mysql
> > Persistent Connection? (y/n)
> > [n] > n
> > Database Host:
> > [localhost] >
> > Port?
> > [n] >
> > User:
> > [root] > root
> > Password:
> > > [removed]
> > Database Name:
> > [cake] > cake_2_0
> > Table Prefix?
> > [n] > n
> > Table encoding?
> > [n] > n
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > The following database configuration will be created:
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > Name:         default
> > Driver:       Mysql
> > Persistent:   false
> > Host:         localhost
> > User:         root
> > Pass:         *******
> > Database:     cake_2_0
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> > Look okay? (y/n)
> > [y] > y
> > Do you wish to add another database configuration?
> > [n] > n
> > PHP Fatal error:  Class 'DATABASE_CONFIG' not found in
> > /var/www/cake_2_0/lib/Cake/Console/Command/Task/DbConfigTask.php on line 262
> > Fatal error: Class 'DATABASE_CONFIG' not found in
> > /var/www/cake_2_0/lib/Cake/Console/Command/Task/DbConfigTask.php on line 262
> > root@mkfmnweb:/var/www/cake_2_0#
> > Am I running the correct path to bake or is this a bug?
> > Thanks.
> > Matthew M. Kaufman
> >
> > 503-881-6906
> > On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 10:25 AM, pedro rojo 
> > <>wrote:
> >> past all package of cakephp2.0 in your folder www and follow a simple
> >> installation  (dont use cake bake)
> >> after relaod your application test and see which  do you have the same
> >> problem ?
> >> this a simle test
> >>  --
> >> Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
> >>
> >> Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://ask.cakephp.organd help
> >> others with their CakePHP related questions.
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