Cake just doesn't have a true autoloader so you need to include the
file yourself or use the App class.

On Dec 7, 12:38 pm, RhythmicDevil <> wrote:
> Well the basic idea is that the application uses two datasources. One
> is the MySQL one the other is a custom one I wrote for our API. The
> Models that use the custom datasource require some methods and
> properties, I posted those in the initial question on this thread.
> Normally I would just put those in AppModel and be done with it. But,
> they break the models that use MySQL so AppModel is not the
> appropriate place.
> So what I wanted to do was have AppModel at the top of the chain
> containing all common Model code. Then extend that to GtiApi, User,
> and Group. GtiApi would contain the methods and properties I
> mentioned. Then API driven Models like Solidcore would extend GtiApi.
> This now works.
> In reality though I actually dont "need" the Solidcore models, I could
> really just use GtiApi model and then do something fancy so that Model
> data was under the right index, say  "Solidcore". That way the
> controller and views would work properly as well. Currently the Models
> that extend GtiApi are empty. There may be a case for doing some extra
> Model work in some of them, but I dont have all the requirements yet.
> On Dec 7, 11:19 am, Geoff Douglas <> wrote:
> > Where are you trying to use the Solidcore Model?
> > I have done what you are explaining several times. Generally to apply
> > different relationships to the same models, for better performance, and
> > cleaner code.
> > It is possible. And it is not breaking "the Cake way" to do it either. Cake
> > is very versatile, especially with how models work.
> > Let me know.

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