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i use light box but something wrong i follow all steps in this link

instead of use this code
<a href="images/image-1.jpg" rel="lightbox" title="my caption">image

i use this code for view

   $thumb = $this->Html->image('images/thumb-1.jpg');
    $full = $this->Html->image('/images/image-1.jpg', array('rel' =>
    echo $this->Html->link($thumb,$full, array('escape' => false));

i show the thumb-1.jpg image but when i click on it i see this error
Missing Method in ImagesController

Error: The action <img src=" is not defined in controller

Error: Create ImagesController::<img src="() in file: app\controllers

class ImagesController extends AppController {

        var $name = 'Images';

        function <img src="() {



Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app\views

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