Hi all,
I am trying to get validation working for my application but I am
getting some weirdness. I have setup a custom RBAC implementation
using MongoDB and Ichikaway's datasource.


I am working on validating in the Groups Model. This is my validate

    public $validate = array(
        'group' => array(
            'isUnique' => array(
                'rule' => 'isUnique',
                'required' => true,
                'message' => 'Duplicate Group',
            'notEmpty' => array(
                'rule' => 'notEmpty',
                'required' => true,
                'message' => 'Group name is required',

And I also have a validates() method

    public function validates()


So a couple of different scenarios give different results but not the
one I need.

1. If I wrap the Group->save() call in the controller like this:

           if ($this->Group->validates())
                if ($this->Group->save($this->data))
                    $this->flash(__('Group Created.', true),
array('action' => 'index'));

I always get a validation error when I edit saying that the group name
must be unique.

2. If I dont wrap the save method in the controller and only supply
the Model::validate property and the Model::validates() method then
the validation works but there is no notification. I have dumped out
the contents of the Model but I cant see anything that I can use to
determine what validation failed.

3. If I remove the Model::validates() method the Model acts like the
record saves but does not actually update the record. In other words
the record does not change unless the new data does not violate any of
the validation rules.

Ok so I am out in the weeds. I realize I have to do some coding to
make this work, but I am not sure where that code should go. Does the
Datasource have something to do with filling the validation errors

What I really want it to make sure that the validation errors array
gets something so I can determine what happened and inform the user.


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