Thanks for all the replies, feedback and suggestions.  My biggest
problem right now is that I'm about to start a new web app for my
company (time is of the essence, needless to say), and I have, broadly
speaking, 2 ways of doing it.  I can reuse some of our old, poorly-
structured codebase and build on that, or I could start with something
new and do it right, once and for all, using a smart 'platform' like
Cake.  But I'm having a lot of difficulty convincing my boss
(reasonably technical, but not a programmer) that spending a lot of
time trying to get to grips with a new method that could potentially
make future development a lot speedier, and cheaper, is a better move
than hacking something together quickly by reusing most of the ugly
code we have, but code that will make the dollars roll in in a few
weeks, not months.

This is my biggest problem with Cake right now, and I'm sure I'm not
alone.  Wider corporate/enterprise adoption, by making the learning
curve less painful and frustrating, would benefit everyone, not least
the guys who have put in all the sweat and blood to make what's there
already.  All that's missing is accurate docs, tutorials and examples
for the latest version.  I know there's a ton of work in that, but it
seems to me to be a crying shame to put all the effort into the
development of the platform, then make it hard for people to actually
use and adopt.


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