I am hoping someone can help me out here. I am pulling my hair out.
For some reason when I go to save "edited" information, form a form,
it is creating an entire new record in the database instead of just
updating the current record at hand.

I am using variable $nId to reference the record id on _save(); For
some reason it is setting the $nId to 0. I do not know what is
happening. Any suggestions?

Take a look at the line that has: $mySaveId = ($nId)?$nId:0; you will
see where I attempt to save to the current record.


public function add_network($nId = 0)

   // Capture for Debuging
   $_SESSION['nId'] = $nId;

           $net_info = $this->Network->find('first',
array('conditions' => array('id' => $nId)));
           self::set('network', $net_info);
           self::set('page_title', "View | Edit Network".
$net_info['Network']['network_name']." ID: ".$_SESSION['nId']);
       } else {
           self::set('network', null);
           self::set('page_title', "Add Network");

       $alert = null;

       if ($this->data['network']) {
           if ($this->data['network']['network_name']) {
               $data['network_name'] = addslashes($this-
               $data['sub_id'] = addslashes($this->data['network']
               $data['active'] = 1;

               //Save form data to Networks database.
               //If we are editing a network, then make sure to save
data to record ID ($nId)
                $mySaveId = ($nId)?$nId:0;
               $networkId = $this->Network->_save($mySaveId, $data);

               if ($networkId == $mySaveId) {
                   $alert = "Changes to network: ".
$data['network_name']." were saved.";
               } else {
                   $alert = "New network: ".$data['network_name']."
was added.". " ".$networkId;

           case "networks":

       } // switch

       self::set('logo', $this->Session->read('logo'));
       self::set('wbtitle', $this->Session->read('wbtitle'));
       self::set('alert', $alert);
       self::set('networkId', isset($networkId)?$networkId:null);


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