Ok so I figured out what the issue was.
When posting changes the form was not going to "/network/add_network/<
$nId>" it was only going to "/network/add_network/" so this is why it
would lose the $nId parameter.

A couple of factors for this issue (main one below):
1) when I set the variable from controller to view it was losing the
value. (I figured it out to be a Variable conflict, so I renamed
$networkId to $netId)

Edited Code that is working with View:

    public function add_network($nId = 0)

                $net_info = $this->Network->find('first', array('conditions'
=> array('id' => $nId)));

            //Should changed to $this->set();
            self::set('netId', $nId);   //This variable is used on view
to set the form to post to correct "action with ID"
                self::set('network', $net_info);
            self::set('page_title', "View | Edit Network".
$net_info['Network']['network_name']." ID: ".$nId);
        } else {
                self::set('netId', null);
                        self::set('network', null);
            self::set('page_title', "Add Network");

        //Clear "Flash"
        $alert = null;

        if ($this->data['network']) {

            if ($this->data['network']['network_name']) {
                $data['network_name'] = addslashes($this-
                $data['sub_id'] = addslashes($this->data['network']
                $data['active'] = 1;

                //Save form data to Networks database.
                    //If we are editing a network, then make sure to save
data to record ID ($nId)
                    $mySaveId = ($nId)?$nId:0;

                //Start Save to current record
                                $this->Network->id = $mySaveId;

                //Get current Record (double check)
                $finalId = $this->Network->id;

                                //Compare to determine correct message to send 
to user.
                if ($finalId == $mySaveId) {
                    $alert = "Changes to network: ".
$data['network_name']." were saved.";
                } else {
                    $alert = "New network: ".$data['network_name']."
was added.";

                //Handles UI controls (navigation)
            case "networks":

        } // switch

                //Sets View configurations for UI
        self::set('logo', $this->Session->read('logo'));
        self::set('wbtitle', $this->Session->read('wbtitle'));
        self::set('alert', $alert);
        //This is where the bug was, not sure if it needs to be
removed. But to fix bug
        //renamed $networkId on view to $netId for now.
        self::set('networkId', isset($networkId)?$networkId:null);


On Feb 11, 11:01 am, chris varick <cvar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Stephen,
> Thanks for the reply and suggestion. However the method you suggested
> gives me different results.
> This is what I ended up using:
> [code]
> $mySaveId =  $this->Network->id = $nId;
> $networkId = $this->Network->save($this->data);
> [/code]
> Nothing is "saved" (editing record) or even "inserted" (if it is a new
> record) I am really not sure what is happening. LIke I was saying it
> feels like I am losing the Variable value $nId.  $nId is being passed
> by assessing the method "/networks/add_network/<nId>"
> So I am really confused! :P Thank you for the corrected method though
> of saving record via primary key with Model->id=$val I didn't realize
> that was the documented way of doing things.
> On Feb 11, 2:46 am, Stephen Speakman <step...@ninjacodermonkey.co.uk>
> wrote:
> > It's possible your $_SESSION['nId'] is actually overwriting the
> > parameter being passed to the controller with 0?
> > Assuming you're accessing the method like such: /networks/add_network/<nID>
> > If you want to avoid creating a new record try:
> > $this->Network->id = $nId;
> > $this->Network->save($this->data);
> > Kind Regards
> >   Stephen
> > On 11/02/2012 08:44, chris varick wrote:
> > > I am hoping someone can help me out here. I am pulling my hair out.
> > > For some reason when I go to save "edited" information, form a form,
> > > it is creating an entire new record in the database instead of just
> > > updating the current record at hand.
> > > I am using variable $nId to reference the record id on _save(); For
> > > some reason it is setting the $nId to 0. I do not know what is
> > > happening. Any suggestions?
> > > Take a look at the line that has: $mySaveId = ($nId)?$nId:0; you will
> > > see where I attempt to save to the current record.
> > > [code]
> > > public function add_network($nId = 0)
> > >     {
> > >     // Capture for Debuging
> > >     $_SESSION['nId'] = $nId;
> > >         if($nId){
> > >             $net_info = $this->Network->find('first',
> > > array('conditions' =>  array('id' =>  $nId)));
> > >             self::set('network', $net_info);
> > >             self::set('page_title', "View | Edit Network".
> > > $net_info['Network']['network_name']." ID: ".$_SESSION['nId']);
> > >         } else {
> > >             self::set('network', null);
> > >             self::set('page_title', "Add Network");
> > >         }
> > >         $alert = null;
> > >         if ($this->data['network']) {
> > >             if ($this->data['network']['network_name']) {
> > >                 $data['network_name'] = addslashes($this-
> > >> data['network']['network_name']);
> > >                 $data['sub_id'] = addslashes($this->data['network']
> > > ['sub_id']);
> > >                 $data['active'] = 1;
> > >                 //Save form data to Networks database.
> > >                 //If we are editing a network, then make sure to save
> > > data to record ID ($nId)
> > >                  $mySaveId = ($nId)?$nId:0;
> > >                 $networkId = $this->Network->_save($mySaveId, $data);
> > >                 if ($networkId == $mySaveId) {
> > >                     $alert = "Changes to network: ".
> > > $data['network_name']." were saved.";
> > >                 } else {
> > >                     $alert = "New network: ".$data['network_name']."
> > > was added.". " ".$networkId;
> > >                 }
> > >             }
> > >         }
> > >         switch($this->data['window']['flag']){
> > >             case "networks":
> > >                 self::redirect("/admin/manage_network");
> > >                 break;
> > >         } // switch
> > >         self::set('logo', $this->Session->read('logo'));
> > >         self::set('wbtitle', $this->Session->read('wbtitle'));
> > >         self::set('alert', $alert);
> > >         self::set('networkId', isset($networkId)?$networkId:null);
> > >     }
> > > [/code]

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