I experienced today after creating shell scripts in command line.  The
cache dir was writeable by apache user.

I chown the cache file to apache user, and the warning disappeared.

On Feb 17, 11:10 am, 0x20h <k...@informatik.uni-marburg.de> wrote:
> try to set the 'mask' => 0666 option for the file cache (in boostrap.php),
> then delete all cache files.
> The Problem occurs when you create the cache files under different users
> (e.g. from cli and lighttpd as www-data)
> Am 17.02.2012 16:28, schrieb CatDude:
> > Greetings, all. I'm helping a friend debug his CakePHP install and am
> > encountering the message in the subject. Specifically, I see a lot
> > of :
> > 2012-02-17 15:20:06: (mod_fastcgi.c.2701) FastCGI-stderr: PHP
> > Warning:  SplFileInfo::openFile(/srv/www/lighttpd/app/tmp/cache/
> > persistent/cake_core_file_map) [<a href='function.SplFileInfo-
> > openFile'>function.SplFileInfo-openFile</a>]: failed to open stream:
> > No such file or directory in /srv/www/lighttpd/lib/Cake/Cache/Engine/
> > FileEngine.php on line 300
> > PHP Warning:  SplFileInfo::openFile(/srv/www/lighttpd/app/tmp/cache/
> > persistent/cake_core_object_map) [<a href='function.SplFileInfo-
> > openFile'>function.SplFileInfo-openFile</a>]: failed to open stream:
> > No such file or directory in /srv/www/lighttpd/lib/Cake/Cache/Engine/
> > FileEngine.php on line 300
> > CakePHP (CakePHP(tm) v is being run under lighttpd on
> > Centos 5.4. The directory being referenced has permissions 777, as do
> > the files in that directory. I wrote a little one line script that
> > opens /srv/www/lighttpd/app/tmp/cache/persistent/cake_core_file_map
> > with a mode of "w" and it works fine. When I change the mode to "c
> > +" (which the FileEngine.php script is attempting to do) I get:
> > failed to open stream: Inappropriate ioctl for device in /root/
> > ftest_c.php
> > This is not the sort of error I expect to see! Suggestions?

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