Is City a hasOne or belongsTo relationship? If so, and your find code is 
using contain or recursive to include those in the results, you can do this:

$this->Paginator->sort('Where Written', '');

Check your data and SQL queries to see if it's joined that way.

On Wednesday, April 25, 2012 4:29:26 PM UTC-7, Hill180 wrote:
> Trying to use the paginator in the view
> I have an Author who is has a Book and where the "book" was written (
> Author sort works, title sort work, but not the sort for city_id. I can 
> sort by the id, but obviously this won't work because 
> the id has nothing to do with the name of the city.
> <th><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('Author', 'name'); ?></th> 
>  <th><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('Book', ''); ?></th> 
>  <th><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('Where Written', 'title.city_id'); 
> ?></th> (sorts, but the names are not sorted because
> it is using the id)
> need something like this
> <th><?php echo $this->Paginator->sort('Where Written', '
> '); ?></th> //does not work.
> Is there a way to get this to work, or is it a customer pagination?
> thanks..  
> j

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