Why didn't you use the $belongsTo array I gave you? Your belongsTo has 
changed the aliases from MainCity to main_city, so paginating by MainCity 
will not work.

Rename the aliases to be CamelCased and try again. Also, debug the results 
of $this->paginate() to make sure it includes the MainCity and any other 
data you are trying to sort by.


On Friday, April 27, 2012 4:45:16 PM UTC-7, Hill180 wrote:
> Here is the real example I am trying.
> The webpage has a list of work order that are open.
> <th><? echo $this->Paginator->sort('Work Order ID','WorkOrder.id') ?></th> 
> //works
> <th><? echo $this->Paginator->sort('Customer','Customer.name') ?></th> 
> //works
> <th><? echo $this->Paginator->sort('City','MainCity.name') ?></th> //no 
> worky
> Customer Model:
> var $belongsTo = array(
>        'main_city' => array(
>             'className' => 'City',
>             'foreignKey' => 'main_city_id',
>             'conditions' => '',
>             'fields' => '',
>             'order' => ''
>         ),
>         'billing_city' => array(
>             'className' => 'City',
>             'foreignKey' => 'billing_city_id',
>             'conditions' => '',
>             'fields' => '',
>             'order' => ''
>         ),...
>   var $hasMany = array(
>         'WorkOrder' => array(
>             'className' => 'WorkOrder',
>             'foreignKey' => 'customer_id',
>             'dependent' => false,
>         ),
> Work Order Model
> var $belongsTo = array(
>         'Customer' => array(
>             'className' => 'Customer',
>             'foreignKey' => 'customer_id',
>             'conditions' => '',
>             'fields' => '',
>             'order' => ''
>         ),
> City Model
>   var $hasMany = array(
>         'MainCity' => array(
>             'className'=>'Customer',
>             'foreignKey'=> 'main_city_id',
>             'dependent'=>true,
>         ),
>               'BillingCity' => array(
>             'className'=>'Customer',
>             'foreignKey'=> 'billing_city_id',
>             'dependent'=>true,
>         ));

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