Did it work for you as I dont see further replays.

On Saturday, November 14, 2009 3:33:57 AM UTC+5:30, [ ramesh ] wrote:
> I have a component like this 
> App::import('Vendor', 'Twitter', array('file' => 
> 'twitter'.DS.'EpiCurl.php'));
> App::import('Vendor', 'Twitter', array('file' => 
> 'twitter'.DS.'EpiOAuth.php'));
> App::import('Vendor', 'Twitter', array('file' => 
> 'twitter'.DS.'EpiTwitter.php'));
> class TwitterComponent extends Component {
>     function getAuthenticationURL() {
>         $twitter = new EpiTwitter(Configure::read('twitter.consumerKey'), 
> Configure::read('twitter.consumerSecret'));
>         $authenticateURL = $twitter->getAuthenticateUrl();
>         return $authenticateURL;
>     }
> }
> i am getting the following error when i try to access this component 
> "*Fatal error*: Class 'EpiOAuth' not found in *
> D:\wamp\www\fly\app\controllers\components\twitter.php* on line *14*"
> thess files are located in /app/vendors/twitter folder
> Thanks 
> /Ramesh Sakibanda/

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