Now I cannot authenticate. Just simple authentication only for now.
AFAIK Auth is supposed to automagically check columns username &
password in the table. Yet it doesn't work. Here's what I do: visit, get redirected to, enter valid
username & pass, and get the same login URL with flash error: "Invalid
username or password, try again". No SQL queries get logged as far as
I can tell (debug>0).

Model/Milli.php is empty

class MilliController extends AppController
        public $paginate = array('limit' => 5);
        public $components = array(
                'Auth' => array(
                        'loginRedirect' => array('controller' =>
'milli', 'action' => 'index'),
                        'logoutRedirect' => array('controller' =>
'milli', 'action' => 'index'),
                        'authenticate' => array('Form'),
                        'loginAction' => array('controller' =>
'milli', 'action' => 'login')));

        public function beforeFilter() {
                $this->Auth->allow('login', 'logout');

        public function login() {
                if ($this->request->isPost()) {
                        if ($this->Auth->login()) {
                        } else {
username or password, please try again'));

        public function logout() {

        public function index() {

<div class="users form">
<?php echo $this->Session->flash('auth'); ?>
<?php echo $this->Form->create('Milli');?>
        <legend><?php echo __('Please enter your username and
password'); ?></legend>
        echo $this->Form->input('username');
        echo $this->Form->input('password');
<?php echo $this->Form->end(__('Login'));?>

        Router::connect('/', array('controller' => 'milli', 'action'
=> 'index'));
        Router::connect('/:action', array('controller' => 'milli'));

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