Bingo! By reading the source of AuthComponent and sprinkling
"debug($var); exit;" here and there I tracked after its construction
that $this->_authenticateObjects looked like this:

        (int) 0 => object(FormAuthenticate) {
                settings => array(
                        'fields' => array(
                                'password' => '*****',
                                'username' => 'username'
                        'userModel' => 'Users',
                        'scope' => array(),
                        'recursive' => (int) 0

The model was still Users! So a change was trivial:
in MilliController.php.:
changed            'authenticate' => array('Form' ),
to this:               'authenticate' => array('Form' =>
array('userModel' => 'Milli')),

for now the logging in passes through.
The docs for auth are severely lacking.

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