I found that putting     
public $helpers = array('Html', 'Session', 'Form', 
in the AppController fixed the problem

On Wednesday, 4 April 2012 01:02:09 UTC+12, Rob wrote:
> Can you post your AppController code?
> On Monday, April 2, 2012 10:43:11 AM UTC-4, 750riderAce wrote:
>> @Rob,
>>   Tried that already... I did include it in the 
>> AppController beforefilter() method exactly in that way, and doesn't work 
>> at all... gave me just a blank screen.. yes.. I did check for syntax errors 
>> or something in the error logs to no available.
>> any idea?
>> On Monday, April 2, 2012 10:24:05 AM UTC-4, Rob wrote:
>>> You can push a new helper onto the helpers array (or any other array) 
>>> like so: 
>>> *$helpers[] = 'MenuBuilder.MenuBuilder';*
>>> *
>>> *
>>> This will keep all of the default helpers.  As the helper is not used 
>>> until the View is rendered, you can add this code either to the 
>>> beforeFilter or beforeRender methods.
>>> On Monday, April 2, 2012 8:51:28 AM UTC-5, 750riderAce wrote: 
>>>> Thanks to both Thomas :)
>>>> I found that I did download the wrong version... first I downloaded the 
>>>> version provided in the documentation (readme.md) which point to an 
>>>> old version (http://github.com/torifat/cake-menu_builber/zipball/master
>>>> ).
>>>> After download the right one everything worked.... the only additional 
>>>> thing that I also found that in addition to the Form and Html Helpers I 
>>>> had 
>>>> to include also the Session Helper in the AppController... otherwise the 
>>>> application gave me an error "Undefined property: View: $Session 
>>>> [CORE]\Cake\View|View.php line 804]"  ... including the Session helper 
>>>> fixed that... why?... no idea... somebody here (Rob) said that include 
>>>> those helpers was not neccesary and you can only set the 
>>>> MenuBuilder.MenuBuilder helper alone inside of the beforefilter() method.. 
>>>> but not idea how to do that to test... maybe Rob can chime again about 
>>>> that.
>>>> thanks
>>>> On Saturday, March 31, 2012 7:00:34 PM UTC-4, Thomas Verschuren wrote:
>>>>> @750riderAce,
>>>>> I'm not the same Thomas :)
>>>>> But i had the same problem a minute ago.
>>>>> Where you have "View ---> helpers ---> MenuBuilderHelper.php"
>>>>> it should read "View ---> Helper ---> MenuBuilderHelper.php"
>>>>> On Friday, March 30, 2012 5:02:21 PM UTC+2, 750riderAce wrote:
>>>>>> Thomas... could you please post waht exactly you have under each 
>>>>>> directory? 
>>>>>> I'm using 2.1.1 and I did exactly the same setup that you did, but 
>>>>>> I'm still
>>>>>> getting the "Helper class MenuBuilderHelper could not be found" error 
>>>>>> this is what I do have:
>>>>>> *app
>>>>>>   Plugin
>>>>>>     MenuBuilder
>>>>>>       Controller  ---> Component ---> MenuGathererComponent.php
>>>>>>       Test
>>>>>>       View ---> helpers ---> MenuBuilderHelper.php*
>>>>>> the line *CakePlugin::load('MenuBuilder');* was added to
>>>>>> */app/config/bootstrap.php* 
>>>>>> *The code in /app/Controller/Appcontroller.php*: 
>>>>>>   *  var $helpers = array('Form', 'Html', 'MenuBuilder.MenuBuilder');
>>>>>> plus the sample code under beforeFilter() method*
>>>>>> In my default.ctp the following code: 
>>>>>>         *<div id="header">
>>>>>>             <?php echo $this->MenuBuilder->build('main-menu'); ?>     
>>>>>>         </div>* 
>>>>>> is this exactly what you have? 
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> 750riderAce 
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> View this message in context: 
>>>>>> http://cakephp.1045679.n5.nabble.com/MenuBuilder-doesn-t-work-with-cakephp-2-0-or-2-1-tp5120624p5606930.html
>>>>>> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
>>>>> On Friday, March 30, 2012 5:02:21 PM UTC+2, 750riderAce wrote: 
>>>>>> Thomas... could you please post waht exactly you have under each 
>>>>>> directory? 
>>>>>> I'm using 2.1.1 and I did exactly the same setup that you did, but 
>>>>>> I'm still
>>>>>> getting the "Helper class MenuBuilderHelper could not be found" error 
>>>>>> this is what I do have:
>>>>>> *app
>>>>>>   Plugin
>>>>>>     MenuBuilder
>>>>>>       Controller  ---> Component ---> MenuGathererComponent.php
>>>>>>       Test
>>>>>>       View ---> helpers ---> MenuBuilderHelper.php*
>>>>>> the line *CakePlugin::load('MenuBuilder');* was added to
>>>>>> */app/config/bootstrap.php* 
>>>>>> *The code in /app/Controller/Appcontroller.php*: 
>>>>>>   *  var $helpers = array('Form', 'Html', 'MenuBuilder.MenuBuilder');
>>>>>> plus the sample code under beforeFilter() method*
>>>>>> In my default.ctp the following code: 
>>>>>>         *<div id="header">
>>>>>>             <?php echo $this->MenuBuilder->build('main-menu'); ?>     
>>>>>>         </div>* 
>>>>>> is this exactly what you have? 
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> 750riderAce 
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> View this message in context: 
>>>>>> http://cakephp.1045679.n5.nabble.com/MenuBuilder-doesn-t-work-with-cakephp-2-0-or-2-1-tp5120624p5606930.html
>>>>>> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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