- Package management - for libs/vendors/plugins - git submodules

- Migrations - mainly for database schema/content changes, but also for 
filesystem changes dependent on application version (migration does have 
before() and after() callbacks) - https://github.com/CakeDC/migrations

- Automated Deployment - whatever is required (Capistrano, Ant, make...), 
but I prefer pure git & console shells/tasks executed from git hooks

- Assets compression  - https://github.com/markstory/asset_compress

- Workers and Background Jobs - 

- Namespaces for controllers - 

- Access model methods from view - combination of helpers, 
and http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/models/virtual-fields.html
I prefer to not call models from views/elements/layouts/helpers, but it is 
easy to obtain model instance from  ClassRegistry anywhere in application 

- Chaining model scopes - either build $options (conditions, fields, order, 
recursive, contains...) dynamically, or custom find() type

- Tests - http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/development/testing.html - mostly 
through web interface, sometimes also from git hooks and TestShell 

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