Hello everyone.

I'm trying to do a Twitter style auto- load more when scrolling :

                         <?php if (!$isAjax):?>
>    <div id="postList">
>    <?php endif;?>
>    <?php echo $this->element('posts'); ?></div>
>    <?php if (!$isAjax):?>
>    </div>
>    <?php endif;?>
>    <?php if (!$isAjax):?>
>     <?php
>     echo $this->Html->script('jquery', false);
>     $maxPage = $this->Paginator->counter('%pages%');
>     ?>
>     <script type="text/javascript">
>     var lastX = 0;
>     var currentX = 0;
>     var page = 1;
>     $(window).scroll(function () {
>     if (page < <?php echo $maxPage;?>) {
>     currentX = $(window).scrollTop();
>     if (currentX - lastX > 300 * page) {
>     lastX = currentX;
>     page++;
>     $.get('posts/page:' + page, function(data) {
>     $('#postList').append(data);
>     });
>     }
>     }
>     });
>     </script>
>    <?php endif;?>
>    <?php echo $this->Js->writeBuffer(); ?>
> This should updates only the div "postList" but it returns the whole page 
in the view. In my controller, I have public $components = 
array('RequestHandler'); activated, and $this->set('isAjax', 
$this->RequestHandler->isAjax()); in my function. What am I doing wrong ? 
Thanks a lot !

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