I can work on the project . Give me more details  of  the project. are
you going to use any cloud features or services.
And mail me bout the estimated budget of the project.

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 9:17 AM,  <cake-php@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>   Today's Topic Summary
> Group: http://groups.google.com/group/cake-php/topics
> CakePHP 2.2.0 and 2.1.4 released [1 Update]
> $this->Post = ClassRegistry::init('Post'); [2 Updates]
> ini_set [1 Update]
> Manage large multilingual project [1 Update]
> Why using HTML->link instead of manually writing an anchor text ? [4
> Updates]
> Ajax pagination returns the whole page instead of the requested div [3
> Updates]
> Gearman worker as Console command [1 Update]
> Is there a lighter weight alternative to requestAction? [1 Update]
> need a sample database [1 Update]
> REST APIs routing issue [1 Update]
> Can someone (experienced) Migrate Cake PHP website from shared hosting to
> cloud hosting provider [1 Update]
>  CakePHP 2.2.0 and 2.1.4 released
> "José Lorenzo" <jose....@gmail.com> Jul 01 04:24PM -0700
> The CakePHP team is proud to annouce the immediate availability of CakePHP
> 2.2.0 stable. As mentioned in previous releases, 2.2 is a API compatible
> release with 2.1 and should be generally transparent when upgrading, except
> for a few additions you need to make in configuration files. In addition to
> this release we have also tagged version 2.1.4 which would be the last work
> we do on the 2.1.x series. Any further stability fixes will be done in 2.2
> branch, so we encourage people to upgrade your apps as soon as possible.
> CakePHP 2.2 comes with a great set of new features and goodies, here is a
> quick summary of what you can find after upgrading:
> - Dispatcher filters, a lightweight way of attaching callbacks as
> middleware to the dispatcher lifecycle for easier caching or faster action
> responses.
> - New rich api for creating and removing validation rules on the fly for
> models
> - Seamless pagination for custom find types
> - Support for real nested database transactions
> - Cache groups, a nice way for tagging and mass deleting cache entries
> using such tags
> - Improved logging support, several new utility methods were added to
> CakeLog
> - Configure class can now dump stored values into any persistent storage
> - AuthComponent now accepts contain as a key for storing extra user
> information in session
> - Several improvements to CakeEmail, such as custom header charset,
> custom themes, setting links domain and custom helpers defined at
> configuration time
> - PUT and DELETE requests encoded with application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> will have its data placed into CakeRequest::$data
> - Set class was deprecated in favor of Hash, a faster and more reliable
> implementation
> - CakeTime is now timezone aware and fully capable of translating dates
> from one zone to the other
> - CakeTime can now also accept DateTime objects in addition to strings
> and timestamps
> - FormHelper now shows more reliably required fields based on validation
> rules
> - HtmlHelper::tableHeaders() now supports setting attributes per table
> cell.
> - Better web tester experience
> - Improved error handling, featuring custom fatal error templates
> - Redis support for caching
> - Added new validation methods for upload checking and natural numbers
> Please make sure you read the complete migration guide available at
> http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/appendices/2-2-migration-guide.html
> If you were following each release for 2.2 and 2.1, here's a summary of the
> changes that made into this final iteration:
> <http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/lorenzo/2012/07/01/cakephp_2_2_and_2_1_4_released#21>
> 2.1
> - Fixtures will not be loaded again if associated tables exist already
> in database, making it possible to load fixtures as SQL
> - Better error message in MissingConnectionException when driver is not
> enabled
> - Better locale support for numbers in Number helper
> - Test suite to fail louder if PHPUnit was not found
> - Small improvements to debug functions
> - Fixed issues in data validation when using beforeValidate callback to
> change internal model data
> - Improving reliability in page numbers links for PaginatorHelper
> - Inreased compatibility with CentOS servers
> - Reduced chance of cache collision in internal method cache for
> DboSource
> - Fixed issues with default exception renderer and custom helpers
> - Allow Set::extract() to match null.
> - Small bugfixes in XmlView
> - Fixed bugs in Translate Behavior
> - Set session.gc_maxlifetime by default.
> - Fixed bugs in sessions when using long numeric keys in arrays
> <http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/lorenzo/2012/07/01/cakephp_2_2_and_2_1_4_released#22>
> 2.2
> - More descriptive diffs in web test runner for failed tests
> - Complete E_STRICT compliance
> - Bug fixes for CakeTime timezone support
> - Helpers can now be defined at configuration time for sending emails.
> - Console commands are now grouped by plugin, core and app shells are
> always listed last.
> - Fixed small issues with ModelValidator and improved preformance
> View the complete changelog available for 2.2.0 [1] and 2.1.4 [2]. Download
> a packaged release [3]
> CakeFest 2012 <http://cakefest.org/> is around the corner and we already
> expect awesome talks and workshops during the best PHP conference out
> there. If you haven't booked your tickets <http://cakefest.org/ticket-info>
> yet,
> it's about time your do, don't miss your chance as we're still offering
> early bird prices!!
> As always, thanks to the friendly CakePHP community for the patches,
> documentation changes and new tickets. Without you there would be no
> CakePHP!
> <http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/lorenzo/2012/07/01/cakephp_2_2_and_2_1_4_released#links>
> Links
> - [1] http://cakephp.org/changelogs/2.2.0
> - [2] http://cakephp.org/changelogs/2.1.4
> - [3] http://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/zipball/2.2.0
> - [4] http://cakefest.org
>  $this->Post = ClassRegistry::init('Post');
> Chetan Patel <chetanspeed511...@gmail.com> Jul 01 09:33AM +0530
> Hello ,
> Answer 1 ) Yes , The Post object is automatically created whithin the
> PostsController
> Answer 2 )
> http://chetan4cake.blogspot.in/2012/04/import-model-in-controller.html
> Thanks
> Chetan
> On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 8:07 AM, Marcelo Custódio
> Super Idea <superidea...@gmail.com> Jul 02 01:20AM +0200
> Hello,
> 1> Yes
> 2> Instance can also be created by $this->loadModel or by
> App::uses('Posts', 'Controller'). App::uses is preferred.
> On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 4:37 AM, Marcelo Custódio
>  ini_set
> Super Idea <superidea...@gmail.com> Jul 01 11:02PM +0200
> Yes and you can put it in core.php as well.
>  Manage large multilingual project
> Miles J <mileswjohn...@gmail.com> Jul 01 01:45PM -0700
> One thing I want to point out, is that using keys instead of sentences as
> keys is much easier to manage.
> msgid "welcome.intro"
> msgstr "Welcome %s"
> Much better than:
> msgid "Welcome %s"
> msgstr ""
> On Saturday, June 9, 2012 5:05:13 AM UTC-7, heohni wrote:
>  Why using HTML->link instead of manually writing an anchor text ?
> Chetan Patel <chetanspeed511...@gmail.com> Jul 01 09:45AM +0530
> Hello,
> 1) I tend to have about 3 environments my app run on (local, dev and
> production). Local and dev usually run in a subfolder setup and production
> runs on a root domain. The reason I use the helpers for links and images is
> because this way I don't need to worry about the base url when linking and
> pointing to images. It's very easy and portable.
> 2) For images and links, I see at least one major advantage of using
> helpers : those will deal with absolute-URLs and http/https protocols *(for
> href/src that point to your website)*, no matter where your application is
> deployed.
> Tx
> Chetan
> On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 7:08 AM, Marcelo Custódio
> majna <majna...@gmail.com> Jul 01 01:53AM -0700
> For URLs, you can use HtmlHelper::url() and for links
> <a href="<?=$this->Html->url('/'); ?>">Home</a>
> HtmlHelper::link() benefit is decoding and converting special HTML entities
> <-> characters
> (when you link some code or URL)
> On Sunday, July 1, 2012 6:15:00 AM UTC+2, Chetan Patel wrote:
> rchavik <rcha...@gmail.com> Jul 01 02:12AM -0700
> On Sunday, July 1, 2012 8:38:36 AM UTC+7, Marcelo Custódio wrote:
>> Isn't it much slower concerning development time ?
>> What are the advantages of of HTML->link ?
> It understands your routes.
> Miles J <mileswjohn...@gmail.com> Jul 01 01:40PM -0700
> http://milesj.me/blog/read/end-html-helper
> On Saturday, June 30, 2012 6:38:36 PM UTC-7, Marcelo Custódio wrote:
>  Ajax pagination returns the whole page instead of the requested div
> JonStark <jean...@gmail.com> Jul 01 10:50AM -0700
> Hello everyone.
> I'm trying to do a Twitter style auto- load more when scrolling :
> <?php if (!$isAjax):?>
>> <?php endif;?>
>> <?php echo $this->Js->writeBuffer(); ?>
>> This should updates only the div "postList" but it returns the whole page
> in the view. In my controller, I have public $components =
> array('RequestHandler'); activated, and $this->set('isAjax',
> $this->RequestHandler->isAjax()); in my function. What am I doing wrong ?
> Thanks a lot !
> Tilen Majerle <tilen.maje...@gmail.com> Jul 01 08:18PM +0200
> just use $this->request->is('ajax')
> you don't need to include RequestHandler component.
> OFC, you have to be on 2.x cake that will work this :)
> <?php echo $this->element('posts'); ?></div>
> why si "</div>" there ?
> --
> Lep pozdrav, Tilen Majerle
> http://majerle.eu
> 2012/7/1 JonStark <jean...@gmail.com>
> JonStark <jean...@gmail.com> Jul 01 11:27AM -0700
> Thanks for the head up !
> But still, doesn't solve my problem :(
> Whenever I try to paginate a update just a given div, I get the full layout
> in response....
> Le dimanche 1 juillet 2012 20:18:10 UTC+2, MaJerle.Eu a écrit :
>  Gearman worker as Console command
> AD7six <andydawso...@gmail.com> Jul 01 08:53AM -0700
> On Monday, 25 June 2012 18:17:56 UTC+2, baur79 wrote:
>> is it possable to use Console/cake some_command as Gearman Worker
>> please suggest some idea?
>> thanks in advance
> Just follow the gearman docs to setup a worker if you want a dedicated
> gearman worker cli, The linked example on sanisoft is pretty easy to follow
> if you want a worker to do one thing.
> You can also use gearman in worker mode to run arbitrary cake commands:
> cd /an/app/install
> nohup gearman -w -f console -- xargs -0 -i -t sh -c "Console/cake {}" &
> That needs only one daemon to run any console command. Then, anywhere in
> your code:
> $g = new \GearmanClient();
> $g->addServer();
> $g->doBackground('console', 'bake controller examples'); // requests
> `Console/cake bake controller examples` to be ran in the background
> That can give great flexibility in what things you can send to the
> background.
> AD
>  Is there a lighter weight alternative to requestAction?
> AD7six <andydawso...@gmail.com> Jul 01 08:27AM -0700
> On Friday, 29 June 2012 14:21:39 UTC+2, Dr. Tarique Sani wrote:
>> Err... Larry, the book warns "If used without caching requestAction
>> can lead to poor performance.
> I added that warning - as with 1.3 there was a noticable performance
> penalty using request action.
> It is rarely appropriate to use in a controller or model."
> That part holds true no matter what, as it relates to application
> architecture. The valid use-cases for request action are few and far
> between.
> After all, why do this:
> x > Dispatcher > Routing > Controller > Model->data()
> to get data when you can just do:
> x > ClassRegistry::init('SomeModel')->data()
> That's 3 parts of the application stack removed at absolutely no loss of
> functionality in a typical fat-model application.
> Doing something similar to ESI (i.e. any kind of dynamic multi-part page,
> the subject of the first post) is one of the few cases where requestAction
> is a good fit.
>> and I can attest to poor performance of RA
> I am guessing you're remembering/referring to data from 1.3 - benchamarking
> request action with 2.x some time ago there was absolutely no cost to using
> request action in and of it self.
> AD
>  need a sample database
> majna <majna...@gmail.com> Jul 01 08:12AM -0700
> this one is simple and you have to generate it using cake console
> (http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/console-and-shells.html)
> https://github.com/majna/schema
> On Saturday, June 30, 2012 5:02:30 PM UTC+2, Mahmoud Adel Farid wrote:
>  REST APIs routing issue
> "Борислав Събев" <borislavsa...@gmail.com> Jul 01 05:13AM -0700
> Have you tried removing the empty call to Router::parseExtensions(); ?
> On Saturday, 30 June 2012 06:46:12 UTC+3, gk wrote:
>  Can someone (experienced) Migrate Cake PHP website from shared hosting to
> cloud hosting provider
> Rush On It <rusho...@gmail.com> Jun 30 08:20PM -0700
> Need to urgently transfer my website to clean Ubuntu Cloud system, Need to
> install Webim, LAMP, cake etc. Please quote me.
> This job is urgent ... Thanks
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> To unsubscribe from this group, send an empty message.
> For more options, visit this group.
> --
> Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
> http://tv.cakephp.org
> Check out the new CakePHP Questions site http://ask.cakephp.org and help
> others with their CakePHP related questions.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> cake-php+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/cake-php

Thanks & Regards
Abhijat Tewari

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site http://ask.cakephp.org and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

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