The function is getting called just fine, that's not the problem.
At first I thought it was something with the php settings or cake settings.
But the session_save_handlers are pure php, and I have the default settings 
+ nothing cake related is put in between in the gc function.

On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 9:32:38 PM UTC+2, majna wrote:
> By default there is 1% chance for gc to be called by PHP.
> If you want to test if gc() is fired, increase *session.gc_probability *close 
> to *divisor*:
> Then watch SQL log for that query.
> Anyway, expires should be current timestamp + Session.timeout config
> I know, PHP and sessions - nothing but sorcery :D
> On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 9:12:13 AM UTC+2, Crazy wrote:
>> I'm having some issues with my sessions.
>> It's probably configuration somewhere, but don't know what to 
>> change/where to look.
>> I'm using database sessions for my cake application, these sessions are 
>> not getting cleaned up.
>> The app in question I have the issue on is an old one written on 1.3.10 
>> running with php version 5.3.5. The garbage collection function in the 2.x 
>> branch is the same so don't think the framework version will matter.
>> I've tracked down the issue to the function __gc located in the 
>> CakeSession class and that function is registered there in the php 
>> session_set_save_handler function, this is the function in question:
>> /**
>>  * Helper function called on gc for database sessions.
>>  *
>>  * @param integer $expires Timestamp (defaults to current time)
>>  * @return boolean Success
>>  * @access private
>>  */function __gc($expires = null) {
>>     $model =& ClassRegistry::getObject('Session');
>>     if (!$expires) {
>>         $expires = time();
>>     }
>>     $return = $model->deleteAll(array($model->alias . ".expires <" => 
>> $expires), false, false);
>>     return $return;
>> }
>> Now, the comments say that $expires is a timestamp, but this isn't 
>> correct according to the php docs:
>> gc($lifetime)
>> The garbage collector callback is invoked internally by PHP periodically in 
>> order to purge old session data. The frequency is controlled by 
>> session.gc_probability and session.gc_divisor. The value of lifetime which 
>> is passed to this callback can be set in session.gc_maxlifetime. Return 
>> value should be TRUE for success, FALSE for failure.
>> The value for $lifeime, so gc_maxlifetime in php.ini is the following:
>> ; After this number of seconds, stored data will be seen as 'garbage' and
>> ; cleaned up by the garbage collection process.session.gc_maxlifetime = 3600
>> So this results in a query that never deletes anything:
>> delete from cake_sessions where expires < 3600;
>> Could someone clarify what I'm doing wrong or if this is an issue in cake 
>> itself?
>> I've posted this on as well, when I find the answer I'll 
>> make sure to update both locations.

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