Hi bakers,

first of all, my english is not good....

i have a strange behavior with redirecting inside the Controller. Well, i must 
redirect(see below/end of public function index()) to the self 
controller(ModsitemapController) to bypassing the php _max_execute_time. If 
cake begin to redirect i get a redirection error. But if i redirect to other 
controller the redirect work. Whats i do wrong? is that a bug?


//Configure::write('debug', 2);
class ModsitemapController extends AppController {
    public $theme  = 'Frontend';
    public $layout = 'modsitemap';
    public $lastSpidertCatId = 0;
    public $catDetailSiteReached = 0;
    public $catDetailSiteTotal = 0;
    public $cachedCatId = 0;
    public function __construct($request = null, $response = null) {
        parent::__construct($request, $response);
            $this->lastSpidertCatId = (int)$request->params['pass'][0];
            $this->catDetailSiteReached = (int)$request->params['pass'][1];
            $this->catDetailSiteTotal = (int)$request->params['pass'][2];
    public function index(){
        $res = $this->Category->find('all', array(
            'conditions' => array(
                'Category.blacklist' => 0,
                'Category.is_searched_by_user' => 1,
                'Category.id >=' => $this->lastSpidertCatId
            'fields' => array('Category.id', 'Category.name'),
            'recursive' => -1
        )); $x = 1;
        foreach($res as $key => $cat){

            $this->cachedCatId = $cat['Category']['id'];
            $urls = $this->Category->Url->find('all', array(
                'conditions' => array(
                    'Url.category_id' => $cat['Category']['id']
                'fields' => array('Url.name, Url.id'),
                'recursive' => -1


                    foreach($urls as $url){

                        $content = $this->Category->Content->find('first', 
                            'conditions' => array(
                                'Content.category_id' => $cat['Category']['id'],
                                'Content.url_id' => $url['Url']['id'],
                            'recursive' => -1,
                            'fields' => array('Content.id')


                            $hostForUrl = str_replace('www.', '', 
parse_url($url['Url']['name'], PHP_URL_HOST));
                            $explodedHostUrl = explode('.', $hostForUrl);
                            $popElement = array_pop($explodedHostUrl);
                            $implodtedHostUrl = implode('.', $explodedHostUrl);
                            $aHref = "/$implodtedHostUrl/$popElement/";

                            $keyword = str_replace(' ', '-', 
$cat['Category']['name']);  $x++;

                            $this->xmlString .= 

                            if($x === 50000){


            if($x === 50000){ break; }

        $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'modsitemap', 'action' => 
'index', (int)$this->cachedCatId));
    protected function getDate(){ /***********/ }


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