I have a clue... The line:

App::uses('AuthComponent', 'Controller/Component');

looks as if it is referring to a library component within the folder 

But I only have one file in that folder called 'empty' 

Does that suggest something is missing? Do components have to be downloaded 
and installed separately?

On Wednesday, 19 December 2012 19:57:07 UTC, OxfordRob wrote:
> Here it is:
> <?php
> /**
>  * Application level Controller
>  *
>  * This file is application-wide controller file. You can put all
>  * application-wide controller-related methods here.
>  *
>  * PHP 5
>  *
>  * CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (http://cakephp.org)
>  * Copyright 2005-2012, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
> http://cakefoundation.org)
>  *
>  * Licensed under The MIT License
>  * Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
>  *
>  * @copyright     Copyright 2005-2012, Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (
> http://cakefoundation.org)
>  * @link          http://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project
>  * @package       app.Controller
>  * @since         CakePHP(tm) v 0.2.9
>  * @license       MIT License (
> http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)
>  */
> /**
>  * Application Controller
>  *
>  * Add your application-wide methods in the class below, your controllers
>  * will inherit them.
>  *
>  * @package       app.Controller
>  * @link 
> http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/controllers.html#the-app-controller
>  */
> App::uses('Controller', 'Controller');
> class AppController extends Controller {
>     public $components = array(
>         'Session',
>         'Auth' => array(
>             'loginRedirect' => array('controller' => 'posts', 'action' => 
> 'index'),
>             'logoutRedirect' => array('controller' => 'pages', 'action' => 
> 'display', 'home')
>             'authorize' => array('Controller') // Added this line
>         )
>     );
>     public function beforeFilter() {
>         $this->Auth->allow('index', 'view');
>     }
>     public function isAuthorized($user) {
>         // Admin can access every action
>         if (isset($user['role']) && $user['role'] === 'admin') {
>             return true;
>         }
>         // Default deny
>         return false;
>     }
> }
> On Wednesday, 19 December 2012 19:46:02 UTC, jsundquist wrote:
>> What does your current AppController look like?
>> A stripped down version should look like this
>> <?php
>> App::uses('Controller','Controller');
>> class AppController extends Controller{
>> }
>> On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 1:38 PM, OxfordRob <pest...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> @jsundquist - Thank you - that makes sense, I can see that information 
>>> at the part of the error string.
>>> If I look at my cake folder structure, the file seems to be there (see 
>>> attached picture). I am sure that file contains the class definition:
>>> class AppController extends Controller { ... etc.
>>> But it does not seem to be found by cake.
>>> I would think that somehow I have set it up so that cake is looking in 
>>> the wrong place for this file. But that seems odd as the early part of the 
>>> blog tutorial was working before I stated adding the authentication code.
>>> On Wednesday, 19 December 2012 19:04:10 UTC, jsundquist wrote:
>>>> The message is still pretty clear. That's a standard php debug message. 
>>>> No way of changing the information present. 
>>>> As far as what that is telling you, its saying it still cannot find 
>>>> your AppController.
>>>> On Dec 19, 2012 12:55 PM, "OxfordRob" <pest...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> @jsundquist - that was helpful, thank you. I had deleted the file - 
>>>>> and the one I had created was missing:
>>>>> App::uses('Controller', 'Controller');
>>>>> I am still seeing the long string of error messages however.
>>>>> "Fatal error: Class 'AppController' not found in 
>>>>> /var/www/cakephp-2.3.0-RC1/**lib/Cake/Controller/**CakeErrorController.php
>>>>> on line 31 Call Stack: 0.0009 354512 1. {main}() 
>>>>> /var/www/cakephp-2.3.0-RC1/
>>>>> **app/webroot/index.php:0 0.0896 2939480 2. " etc....
>>>>> I am finding it very hard to make any sense of these error messages. 
>>>>> They are no very 'diagnostic'. Is there any way of getting more useful 
>>>>> information about where the error might be? I can't see any of my file 
>>>>> names in there, and I can't even see where one error item starts and 
>>>>> another ends
>>>>> On Wednesday, 19 December 2012 14:27:34 UTC, jsundquist wrote:
>>>>>> The AppController.php is part of the default download of CakePHP in 
>>>>>> all versions. I just downloaded a fresh copy of CakePHP 2.3.0-RC1 and 
>>>>>> within the app/Controllers directory there is in fact an 
>>>>>> AppController.php 
>>>>>> file.  You shouldn't need to re-create the file unless you deleted it.
>>>>>> On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 8:23 AM, OxfordRob <pest...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> As a follow up....I am suspicious in this area....
>>>>>>> The tutorial says "To add this component to your application *open*your 
>>>>>>> app/Controller/AppController.**p**hp file and *add* the following 
>>>>>>> lines:"
>>>>>>> But this is the first mention of an 'AppController.php' file.
>>>>>>> So I just created an 'AppController.php' file and put in the code, 
>>>>>>> but that does not feel right to me.
>>>>>>> I already have a 'UsersController.php' file that contains the class 
>>>>>>> definition:
>>>>>>> class UsersController extends AppController 
>>>>>>> So that makes me thing that 'AppController' is a pre-defined class 
>>>>>>> in cake. Am I meant to be overloading this class?
>>>>>>> Something seems wrong.
>>>>>>> Any ideas please?
>>>>>>> On Wednesday, 19 December 2012 12:24:34 UTC, OxfordRob wrote:
>>>>>>>> Folks,
>>>>>>>> I successfully worked through the blog tutorial and everything 
>>>>>>>> worked fine.
>>>>>>>> I then moved onto the Authentication example / tutorial here...but 
>>>>>>>> can't make it work..
>>>>>>>> http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/**en****/tutorials-and-examples/**blog-
>>>>>>>> **a**uth-example/auth.html<http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/tutorials-and-examples/blog-auth-example/auth.html>
>>>>>>>> I get a gibberish error message when I access the page... (Copied 
>>>>>>>> below) which does not give me any real clues about what I have done 
>>>>>>>> wrong.
>>>>>>>> Does anybody know where to download the full source code for this 
>>>>>>>> example? Or, if you have made this work, would you post it please?
>>>>>>>> Any clues about how to read the error message below, and where I 
>>>>>>>> might start looking would be very gratefully received!
>>>>>>>> I have attached zip of my /app directory. 
>>>>>>>> Thanks for any help!
>>>>>>>> *Error message:* on accessing URL: http://localhost/cakephp-2.3.**0
>>>>>>>> ****-RC1/users/add <http://localhost/cakephp-2.3.0-RC1/users/add> 
>>>>>>>> Fatal error: Class declarations may not be nested in 
>>>>>>>> /var/www/cakephp-2.3.0-RC1/**lib****/Cake/Error/**
>>>>>>>> ExceptionRenderer.****php on line 55 Call Stack: 0.0014 354512 1. 
>>>>>>>> {main}() /var/www/cakephp-2.3.0-RC1/**app****/webroot/index.php:0 
>>>>>>>> 0.1175 2937464 2. Dispatcher->dispatch() /var/www/cakephp-2.3.0-RC1/
>>>>>>>> **app****/webroot/index.php:97 0.1438 3490652 3. 
>>>>>>>> Dispatcher->_getController() /var/www/cakephp-2.3.0-RC1/**lib****
>>>>>>>> /Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.**php:**1**52 0.1438 3490652 4. 
>>>>>>>> Dispatcher->_loadController() /var/www/cakephp-2.3.0-RC1/**lib****
>>>>>>>> /Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.**php:**2**28 0.1440 3491896 5. 
>>>>>>>> class_exists() /var/www/cakephp-2.3.0-RC1/**lib****
>>>>>>>> /Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.**php:**2**59 0.1440 3492168 6. 
>>>>>>>> App::load() /var/www/cakephp-2.3.0-RC1/**lib****/Cake/Core/App.php:0 
>>>>>>>> 0.1458 3537372 7. App::shutdown() /var/www/cakephp-2.3.0-RC1/**lib*
>>>>>>>> ***/Cake/Core/App.php:0 0.1468 3537344 8. App::_checkFatalError() 
>>>>>>>> /var/www/cakephp-2.3.0-RC1/**lib****/Cake/Core/App.php:899 0.1470 
>>>>>>>> 3538456 9. call_user_func() 
>>>>>>>> /var/www/cakephp-2.3.0-RC1/**lib****/Cake/Core/App.php:926 
>>>>>>>> 0.1470 3538500 10. ErrorHandler::handleError() 
>>>>>>>> /var/www/cakephp-2.3.0-RC1/
>>>>>>>> **lib****/Cake/Core/App.php:0 0.1471 3538992 11. ErrorHandler::**
>>>>>>>> handleFatalError****() /var/www/cakephp-2.3.0-RC1/**lib****
>>>>>>>> /Cake/Error/ErrorHandler.**php:**1**61 0.1481 3548532 12. 
>>>>>>>> call_user_func() /var/www/cakephp-2.3.0-RC1/**lib****
>>>>>>>> /Cake/Error/ErrorHandler.**php:**2**11 0.1481 3548560 13. 
>>>>>>>> ErrorHandler::handleException(******) /var/www/cakephp-2.3.0-RC1/**
>>>>>>>> lib****/Cake/Error/ErrorHandler.**php:0 0.1488 3550236 14. 
>>>>>>>> App::load() /var/www/cakephp-2.3.0-RC1/**lib****/Cake/Core/App.php:0 
>>>>>>>>  -- 
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