
Im using auth component and cofiguring it in my AppController, just cake 
documentain say.

*class AppController extends Controller { 
    public $components = array(
        'Auth' => array(
            'loginRedirect' => array('controller' => 'Sps', 'action' => 
            'logoutRedirect' => array('controller' => 'Users', 'action' => 
    public function beforeFilter() {    **
        $this->Auth->allow('login', 'index', 'forgotPassword');        

So, when an user join the aplication, they go to Sps/index, with session 
data, goes to another controller for example, Clients, and still having 
Session, but when he goes to Category, they lose all the data and i get a 
white screen with no error and no debug info (trying debug to 2 - 3 and 
still no info). Im using a hoting, so its hard to access to apache log ... 
but local debuging it, when i delete the Auth Component from my 
appController, all works fine. And i dont get White Screen.

So basically my problem is that when i go to CategorysController, the user 
session data is deleted and get a white screen that doesnt spit any info.

Pasting my controller:

class CategorysController extends AppController {
    public $helpers = array('Html', 'Form');    
    public $uses = array ('Category', 'Sp', 'SpsSpsPart', 'SpsPart');
    // public $components = array('Session', 'Auth');
    public function beforeFilter() {        
        $this->layout = 'login';        
        pr ($this->Session->read('Auth.User'));
    public function index () {
    public function addCategory ($sp, $spPart, $parent = 0) {          
        if ($this->request->is('post')) { 
            if ($this->Category->validates()) {            
                $category = array (                    
                    'sp_id' =>  $sp, 
                    'parent_id' => $parent,
                    'sps_part_id' => $spPart, 
                    'name' => $this->data['Category']['nombre'],
                    'l_name' => $this->data['Category']['nombrelatin'],
                    'description' => $this->data['Category']['descripcion']

                if ($this->Category->save ($category)) {
                    $this->Session->setFlash ('Categoría guardada con 
                    $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'Categorys', 
'action' => 'showCategory', $sp, $spPart));            
    public function showCategory ($sp, $spPart, $parent = null) {        
        if ($parent == null) {    
            $category = $this->Category->find('all', array (
                'fields' => array('Category.id', 'Category.sp_id', 
'Category.parent_id', 'Category.sps_part_id', 'Category.name', 
'Category.l_name', 'Category.description'), 
                'conditions' => array('Category.sp_id = ' .$sp . ' AND 
Category.sps_part_id = ' . $spPart.' AND Category.parent_id = 0'), 
                'recursive' => 0)     

        }else {
            $category = $this->Category->find('threaded', array (
                'conditions' => array('Category.parent_id = ' .$parent)

        $this->set('category', $category);                
    public function edit ($sp, $spPart, $id) {        
        $category = $this->Category->find('first', array (
            'fields' => array('Category.id, Category.sp_id, 
Category.sps_part_id, Category.parent_id, Category.name, Category.l_name, 
            'conditions' => array (
                'Category.sp_id'    => $sp, 
                'Category.sps_part_id' => $spPart,
                'Category.id' => $id
        $this->set('category', $category);
        if ($this->request->is('post')) {    
            if ($this->Category->validates()) {    
                if ($this->Category->updateAll (
                    array('name' => "'". $this->data['Category']['nombre'] 
. "'",
                        'l_name' => "'". 
                        'description' => "'". 
                    array('Category.id' => $id))) {   
                    $this->Session->setFlash ('Se ha editado el nombre con 
                    $this->redirect(array('controller' => 'Categorys', 
'action' => 'showCategory', $category['Category']['sp_id'],
    public function result ($sp, $part, $parent = 0) { 
        $category = $this->Category->find('all', array (
            'fields' => array('Category.id', 'Category.sp_id', 
'Category.parent_id', 'Category.sps_part_id', 'Category.name', 
'Category.l_name', 'Category.description'), 
            'conditions' => array('Category.sp_id = ' .$sp . ' AND 
Category.sps_part_id = ' . $part.' AND Category.parent_id = '. $parent), 
            'recursive' => 0)     
}   * 

Im using cakephp 2.1, php 5.2.1

Any idea?

Thanks you for your time and sorry for my English.

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