Hello, im solving that, thanks you very much.

Is there any form to catch php fatal errors? i heard that if you left a 
blank space after ?> tag, it can causes a fatal error.

Trying yo depurate in local ... but im spending a lot of time in this 
stupid thing :(

Thanks you for your time.

El viernes, 4 de enero de 2013 03:50:30 UTC+1, cricket escribió:
> On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 6:02 AM, Pedro Fortes Gallego 
> <fortes...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > Hello, 
> > 
> > Im using auth component and cofiguring it in my AppController, just cake 
> > documentain say. 
> > 
> > class AppController extends Controller { 
> > 
> > ... 
> >     public function beforeFilter() { 
> >         $this->Auth->allow('login', 'index', 'forgotPassword'); 
> This should be in the UsersController, not AppController. And you 
> shouldn't include login in the allow() call. (I know, it's not 
> intuitive.) 
> > white screen with no error and no debug info (trying debug to 2 - 3 and 
> > still no info). Im using a hoting, so its hard to access to apache log 
> ... 
> A white screen means a fatal PHP error, so Cake doesn't have the 
> chance to log anything. Does your hosting account include an admin 
> panel with access to the server logs? 
> > <?php 
> > class CategorysController extends AppController { 
> It should be CategoriesController. 
> >     public $helpers = array('Html', 'Form'); 
> If these two helpers are commonly used you can put this in 
> AppController and leave it out of all of your other controllers. 
> >     public $uses = array ('Category', 'Sp', 'SpsSpsPart', 'SpsPart'); 
> Are the Sp, SpsSpsPart, and SpsPart models associated with each other? 
> And are any of them associated with Category? If so, you can remove 
> this entire $uses var and chain your model calls like, eg. 
> $this->Category->Sp->SpsPart->doSomething() 
> But it doesn't even look like you're calling methods on those other 
> classes, anyway. 
> >     // public $components = array('Session', 'Auth'); 
> This is not necessary here because you declared it in AppController, 
> which is the parent of this controller. 
> >     public function beforeFilter() { 
> > 
> >         parent::beforeFilter(); 
> >         $this->layout = 'login'; 
> Are you sure you want the login layout for categories? 
> >     public function addCategory ($sp, $spPart, $parent = 0) { 
> > 
> >         if ($this->request->is('post')) { 
> >             $this->Category->set($this->data); 
> > 
> >             if ($this->Category->validates()) { 
> >                 $category = array ( 
> >                     'sp_id' =>  $sp, 
> >                     'parent_id' => $parent, 
> >                     'sps_part_id' => $spPart, 
> >                     'name' => $this->data['Category']['nombre'], 
> >                     'l_name' => $this->data['Category']['nombrelatin'], 
> >                     'description' => 
> $this->data['Category']['descripcion'] 
> >                 ); 
> You've got this a little bit backwards. 
> public function add($sp_id, $sps_part_id, $parent_id = 0) { 
>         if ($this->request->is('post')) { 
>                 $this->data['Category']['sp_id'] = $sp_id; 
>                 $this->data['Category']['sps_part_id'] = $sps_part_id; 
>                 $this->data['Category']['parent_id'] = $parent_id; 
>                 // etc ... 
>                 $this->Category->set($this->data); 
>                 if ($this->Category->validates()) { 
>                         if ($this->Category->save()) { 
> Better: set the sp_id, sps_part_id, and parent_id as view variables 
> and create hidden form fields for them. They'll be in the data array 
> when it is submitted. 
> >     public function showCategory ($sp, $spPart, $parent = null) { 
> >         if ($parent == null) { 
> >             $category = $this->Category->find('all', array ( 
> >                 'fields' => array('Category.id', 'Category.sp_id', 
> > 'Category.parent_id', 'Category.sps_part_id', 'Category.name', 
> > 'Category.l_name', 'Category.description'), 
> >                 'conditions' => array('Category.sp_id = ' .$sp . ' AND 
> > Category.sps_part_id = ' . $spPart.' AND Category.parent_id = 0'), 
> 'conditions' => array( 
>         'Category.sp_id' => $sp, 
>         'Category.sps_part_id' => $spPart, 
>         'Category.parent_id' => $parent 
> ) 
> >         }else { 
> > 
> >             $category = $this->Category->find('threaded', array ( 
> >                 'conditions' => array('Category.parent_id = ' .$parent) 
>  'conditions' => array('Category.parent_id' => $parent) 
> >     public function edit ($sp, $spPart, $id) { 
> > 
> >         $category = $this->Category->find('first', array ( 
> >             'fields' => array('Category.id, Category.sp_id, 
> > Category.sps_part_id, Category.parent_id, Category.name, 
> Category.l_name, 
> > Category.description'), 
> >             'conditions' => array ( 
> >                 'Category.sp_id'    => $sp, 
> >                 'Category.sps_part_id' => $spPart, 
> >                 'Category.id' => $id 
> >             )) 
> >         ); 
> > 
> >         $this->set('category', $category); 
> Everything above should come AFTER the if ($this->request->is('post')) 
> block. You don't want to fetch the data if the form has been posted. 
> >     public function result ($sp, $part, $parent = 0) { 
> > 
> >         $category = $this->Category->find('all', array ( 
> >             'fields' => array('Category.id', 'Category.sp_id', 
> > 'Category.parent_id', 'Category.sps_part_id', 'Category.name', 
> > 'Category.l_name', 'Category.description'), 
> >             'conditions' => array('Category.sp_id = ' .$sp . ' AND 
> > Category.sps_part_id = ' . $part.' AND Category.parent_id = '. $parent), 
> 'conditions' => array( 
>         'Category.sp_id' => $sp, 
>         'Category.sps_part_id' => $part, 
>         'Category.parent_id' => $parent 
> ) 
> > Im using cakephp 2.1, php 5.2.1 
> Change all $this->data to $this->request->data. 
> I may have missed some other things. 

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