gwoo wrote:
> how about you try to debug the problem and submit a patch. Before you
> do that make sure you have the latest nightly download.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Development/cake/dev/core/cake/scripts$ php
Gwoo, I apologize, but I haven't used Cake in awhile, as I haven't done
much programming lately.  It seems like things have changed quite a
bit, since I last used it (around 1.1.2).  I found your screencast and
discovered how to correctly use the "new" bake.php script now, and it
works pefectly.

I am still experiencing some issues with Cake overall, however, and I
was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction?  I used
to use the alternate configuration, with the app, cake, and webroot in
separate folders.  I have successfully setup the latest version of Cake
(svn) utilizing this setup, as well as the development setup. Here's my
current setup...

CAKE SETUP: alternate
/home/joel/Development/cake/dev/apps/Test -> /cake_install/app
/home/joel/Development/cake/dev/www/Test -> /cake_install/app/webroot
/home/joel/Development/cake/dev/core -> /cake_install/cake

index.php under /home/joel/Development/cake/www/Test is configured as
  define('APP_DIR', 'Test');

This setup displays the default home page with debug showing the
database file was found and cake successfully connected to the
database.  All of the CSS and images were missing until I read a thread
on this mailing list about uncommenting the BASE_URL definition in the
core.php file.  However, the mod_rewrite or the .htaccess files don't
seem to be working properly.  The only path which works after baking
now, looks like...


How can I get the "pretty cake url's", ie

I've followed the steps in the install section of the manual, but I
don't have a real clear understanding of how it all works together.
FWIW, I have apache2 installed on Ubuntu 6.10.  The apache2 structure
is split up quite a bit:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/apache2$ ls -a
.             conf.d      magic           ports.conf
..            envvars     mods-available  README           ssl
apache2.conf  httpd.conf  mods-enabled    sites-available

httpd.conf is pretty much a blank file, while apache2.conf has the main
config in it.  I guess httpd.conf is to allow further configuration of
the apache2.conf file.  In the mods-available, I have rewrite.load, and
it is enabled in the mods-enabled directory.  In a thread on the Ubuntu
forums, I read where proxy.load must also be enabled in order for the
rewrite to work, and I have done that.  BTW, I added the "LoadModule"
line in the httpd.conf file as the install section in the CakePHP
manual states (just in case it was different), but I was given an
message that mod_rewrite was already loaded.  So, I assume the
apache2.conf file is parsed first, then the httpd.conf file is parsed
after.  So, the mod_rewrite is supposedly installed and loaded, but I'm
not sure given these results?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/apache2$ apache2ctl -l
Compiled in modules:

Also, can you add a DocumentRoot to your .htaccess, or must it be done
in the httpd.conf file?  If only in the httpd.conf file, can I have
more than one DocumentRoot like for each VirtualHost or something?

I apologize, I'm just not very experienced in all of this.  I
definitely am learning, though. :-)

Thanks in advance, gang!  I appreciate ya!


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