
The pagination helper requires to be initialised... with

Interesting fact... if I duplicate that initialisation to add it to the
element... it works. In other words... am I right to thing the element
creates a new instance of the helpers?!

I might drill down the pagination component and helper tomorrow morning
to see if I could make that a bit more seemless... surely there is a

still.. any thoughts welcome!


On Dec 13, 4:22 pm, "Seb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone...
> I've been pulling my hair out for the past 2 hours and I can't see
> what's wrong; am I missing something... or am I trying to do the
> impossible.. please... if you know... tell me!!
> I use the Pagination helper, which works like a charm in any view. I
> also use the html and the form helpers which also, you guessed it, work
> like a cham in any view.
> Now... there is this piece of html I'd like to move in an element. When
> I do, the html and form helpers work like a charm still, whereas the
> pagination doesn't.
> I debugged it pretty deep only to find out what doesn't make it though
> is the helper config...
> am I going crazy??!
> some code?
> these, from within the view, work perfect;
> <?php echo $pagination->pageNumbers(); ?>
> <?php echo $html->submit('Create');?>
> whereas from the element, this returns only the submit(Create) button.
> <?php echo $pagination->pageNumbers(); ?>
> <?php echo $html->submit('Create');?>
> I call the element like this;
> echo $this->renderElement('index' /*no parameters*/ ) );
> Both of the helpers are defined in the app_controler.php
> again.. am I going crazy?!!
> Cheers for any input!
> SEb.

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