I have been reading the cakephp book, looking on youtube, googling any 
examples I can for the past 3 weeks.  
Feel like I am banging my head against the wall and could easily do this 
stuff outside the framework.

The documentation is lacking real examples that beginners could actually 
build on.

I have hacked together a front end to my test website, a front end user 
section and an admin section (still can't route  to
it properly).  

Should I have a separate login code for my administration section ? 

Should I be creating an AdminController or do I still admin functions in 
all my controllers  (aka admin_index,admin_edit,admin_delete).

How to build a category manager in the administration section ?   Should I 
be using someone's plugin/helper from github ?  

They should really attempt to put together a tutorial site that shows more 
than the blog example.  
A website that has a user registration, login, profile section.  Listing of 
products or articles and an administration
section would be something very valuable to all beginners.

 I do see the potential benefits of cakephp but finding decent best 
practices (examples)  on the internet is pretty bad.  Considering
cakephp 2.x was released 2 years ago or so?  

Not to mention I am already reading about cakephp 3.0   .   Maybe a 
concentrated effort to develop 20,50, 100 best practice examples for 
cakephp 3.0  would be very beneficial.

On Wednesday, October 30, 2013 6:45:02 AM UTC-4, euromark wrote:
> Silver Troy: Mark Story != dereuromark ;)
> Most beginners find the book sufficient - and properly explaining the 
> basics.
> Am Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2013 05:30:20 UTC+1 schrieb Silver Troy:
>> I have to agree with the above comments about trying to find real 
>> examples with cakephp 2.x.
>> The cakephp youtube channel doesn't give you any video examples on simple 
>> concepts.
>> The documentation has a lot of useful information, but little examples to 
>> put them into action.
>> Doing the blog tutorial example was pretty quick and easy.  Adding 
>> authentication the Andrew perkins
>> youtube videos were good.  
>> But seriously Cakephp you need to develop some real world simple 
>> examples.  Cause its frustrating
>> as a php developer to be attempting to figure out how to properly code 
>> inside of cakephp's framework.
>> I read the documentation, the bakery, youtube videos, google for 
>> tutorials.  
>> But can I find a simple menu building example ? 
>> How to build an admin section with proper routing ? 
>> How to connection with hasOne, hasMany ? 
>> Building a category tree that lists products in each level with paging ? 
>> Oh I have read over Mark Story's Tree Behavior article and attempted to 
>> install his "Tools" plugin .. 
>> but trying to get a working example .... sigh.   Should I really have to 
>> install someone else's plugin
>> to build a category system in a website ?
>> Quite the frustration is trying to learn this framework ... spinning my 
>> wheels.
>> Yes I tried the irc channel and basically the first person to respond 
>> made me feel like an idiot ... not impressed 
>> and then basically linked a bunch of the book.cakephp.org sections .. 
>> which I have already read that don't give a proper working example or stop 
>> just short of the basic functionality.

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