Hello John !

Thanks for responding.   My major problem seems to be interpreting the 
tutorial properly and not making typo errors.  The tutorial neglected to 
mention that <?php tags should enclose some of the samples.   I have made 
some progress since yesterday but still have not got the authorization 
stuff completely coded.

I was hoping someone on the list might have accomplished a clean 
installation and would be willing to share their work.

I will keep working at this and perhaps post later if I encounter more 
problems.   I think there might be some design problems in part one of the 
tutorial on how
the flow between various screens works but I will hold off detailing that 
"problem" until I get the authorization part "completed".

A download of the completed working code sure would have been nice !



On Friday, November 28, 2014 12:45:35 PM UTC-5, John Andersen wrote:
> Can I understand you correctly, that there are no actual error in the blog 
> tutorial, just that it gives you grief?
> If I am mistaken, please be so kind and explain to us, how you experience 
> the error? How far have you got in the tutorial? What is not displayed 
> correctly? ... and provide screenshots if possible.
> Thanks in advance
> Enjoy, John
> On Thursday, 27 November 2014 21:52:06 UTC+2, Lorne Dudley wrote:
>> Hello !
>> I am a new user to cakePHP (version 2.6.0-RC1) and am attempting to learn 
>> by tutorial.
>> The blog tutorial at 
>> http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/tutorials-and-examples/blog/part-two.html 
>> is giving me grief in that it does not display as expected.
>> Does anyone have a properly working example who would be willing to send 
>> me copies of the following files ?
>> /app/Config/routes.php
>> /app/view/Posts/edit.ctp
>> /app/view/Posts/add.ctp
>> /app/view/Posts/index.ctp
>> /app/view/Posts/view.ctp
>> /app/Controller-PostsController.php
>> /app/Model/Post.php
>> Regards
>> Lorne Dudley
>> Kingston, Ontario

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