
Not sure I understood what you suggest. You say:

  instead of putting an hash to swf, try
  putting something like this in source url:

where should I put this? the source of the file is 'swf/chart.swf'.
There's no controller, no action and no param. Just the swf folder with
the chart.swf file in it.

If I do 'sfw/chart.swf?uniqueid='.uniqid(rand(),true) this is exactly
what i've done already and it did not work.

Remember, I was using:

10000)); Isn't this same as what you suggest?

On Dec 25, 11:58 am, Claudio Poli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 25/dic/06, at 17:37, phirschybar wrote:

> gabordemeter:

> sorry I missed the part about it working in FF. But still doesn't the
> SWF have to grab the data on every load, even if the SWF is cached?

> Claudio:

> to satisfy my curiosity.. what file do you think IE is caching?the content 
sent to the swf ie. the source.
happens that some browsers (IE) might download only one istance of
the source, if it's dynamic, and cache it; AFAIK the solution is to
append an unique value to its url.

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