Bit of a newbie question here - I'm trying to update multiple models at
once, but the foreign key keeps getting lost.  I'm using CakePHP

I have User and Profile models. User hasOne Profile.

When creating a new User and Profile it works fine, the associations
are set up properly and when displaying the edit view the right data
from both models is displayed. But then when saving the updates, the
Profile['user_id'] field ends up without a value and the User loses
their Profile.

The view has hidden fields for User/id, Profile/id, and

I've tried doing


as well as

$user_id = $this->User->getLastInsertId();
$this->data['User']['Profile']['user_id'] = $user_id;

Both save the data correctly apart from the Profile['user_id'] field,
which ends up blank.

I've had a look round  and I can't find this problem mentioned anywhere
else. I know it's probably really obvious, but can someone please point
out what I'm doing wrong?

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