mmm... are ^^BUMPS^^ ok in google groups...?!



On Jan 8, 10:06 am, "Seb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Nate,
> Thanks for your time! What I'm trying to do evolves around virtual
> fields. For instance in the user model, the afterFind() method creates
> 2 virtual fields, one named name_lf and containing a user full name in
> 'lastname, firstname' format. This works like a charm.
> Now if I edit a user, and save my changes, if the beforeSave() in the
> User Model returns false, nothing is saved to the db, and the 'error
> mode' is triggered, the edit form shown again. (that's a pretty
> standard cake behaviour)
> Now that's from where my question was raised; because the user data is
> stored in the post, it's not pulled from the DB again - which is great.
> However because it's not pulled again, the afterFind() in the User
> Model is not called, and the name_lf virtual field not created. Because
> of that and because I'm using this virtual field in the edit form, I
> get an error about this name_lf not being defined, hence my question,
> when should a beforeSave return false..?!
> Code?
> function afterFind($results) {
>     if (is_array($results)) {
>         foreach ($results as $key => $obj) {
>             if (!isset($obj[$this->name]['id'])) {
>                 continue;
>             }
>             $results[$key][$this->name]['name_lf'] =
> ($obj[$this->name]['lname'] ? $obj[$this->name]['lname'] . ', ' : '') .
> $obj[$this->name]['fname'];
>         }
>     }
>     return parent::afterFind($results);
>  }
> function beforeSave() {
>     // say I was to do something here... db related or not... and
> something fails... which is possible according to the manual
>     return false;
> }==== end code====
> So.. yeah... I don't think I'm doing anything wrong... and am just
> wondering why this all could be...
> Cheers!
> Seb.
> On Jan 6, 5:09 am, "nate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ummm.....  beforeSave() and afterFind() are normally completely
> > unrelated.  It might help to post a code sample so we can see what it
> > is that you're trying to do.

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