Tarique, I'm definitely not 'copying out' ;-)

I'd love to contribute to CakePHP as I believe its the best thing to
happen to PHP in all the time I've been programming with it (since

I was trying to illustrate that perhaps, if the documentation was
available then the learning process would be faster and I would be in a
better position to help others. As it stands, I'm no-where near up to
speed with CakePHP to help out in any substantial way.

And your are right, this is one of the most friendly, a knowledgeable
lists I've subscribed to and I'm keen to take a more active roll.

I understand how OSS projects are developed, but lack of documentation
has sunk other worthy projects in the past. I'd hate to see cake suffer
the same misfortune.

I'm not asking for wikipedia scale documentation. What would really be
useful would be to extend the sample Blog application to cover the
stuff that make a site 'work'.

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