On 1/22/07, RichardAtHome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd love to contribute to CakePHP as I believe its the best thing to
> happen to PHP in all the time I've been programming with it (since
> PHP3).

Nice to know that - I wont go as far as saying CakePHP is the best
thing or bother with I am older than you in this ;)

> I was trying to illustrate that perhaps, if the documentation was
> available then the learning process would be faster and I would be in a
> better position to help others. As it stands, I'm no-where near up to
> speed with CakePHP to help out in any substantial way.

Again a common fallacy on public forums - I am too new/know too less
to help - You teach best what you want to learn the most.

> And your are right, this is one of the most friendly, a knowledgeable
> lists I've subscribed to and I'm keen to take a more active roll.

I notice that you *are* already more active than I am so....

> I understand how OSS projects are developed, but lack of documentation
> has sunk other worthy projects in the past. I'd hate to see cake suffer
> the same misfortune.

Oh! its not that bad...

> I'm not asking for wikipedia scale documentation. What would really be
> useful would be to extend the sample Blog application to cover the
> stuff that make a site 'work'.

The IBM tutorials just provided that bit - and thank god they did not
do another blog


P.S. This thread has gone too off topic so EOT form my side
PHP Applications for E-Biz: http://sanisoft.com
Cheesecake-Photoblog: http://cheesecake-photoblog.org

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