On 2/7/07, MrTufty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1) Multiple validation rules for a single field

> 2) An equivalent to validates_uniqueness_of from Rails - effectively
> connecting to the database and seeing if the submitted value already
> exists in the table

> 3) A replacement for the old VALID_NOT_EMPTY - we now have a
> validation rule for seeing if a field is blank, but I can't figure out
> how you'd use that to make sure it's NOT blank.

> 4) Clarification on the comparison rule - should we be using this for
> strings (such as in my password/password_confirmation) or will it only
> work with numbers?

All the above plus automagic generation of Javascript (jquery) for
validation and also AJAX calls if needed for client side validation.
(server side validation takes place none the less)

Check out the stuff which I have committed to Cheesecake SVN over past
few days - been planning to write a tutorial but that does not seem to
be happening - if you can figure that out and write one it would be

Hint: see the comment system

But.... the key is if its not there - build it


P.S. the above work is bu no means original but built upon ideas
borrowed from several tutorials and blogs

PHP for E-Biz: http://sanisoft.com
Cheesecake-Photoblog: http://cheesecake-photoblog.org

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