True, I'd not considered that part of the hackiness either. For now,
I've gone ahead and done it.

The solution isn't perfect - other tweaks will need to be made to the
other functions in the Error helper, for instance - but it does appear
to work.

Here's my code:

//error.php - modelErrors() function
        function modelErrors()
        $html =& new HtmlHelper;
        $models = func_get_args();
        $list = '';
        foreach ($models as $model)
                if ( isset($this->validationErrors[$model]) )
                        foreach ( $this->validationErrors[$model] as
$field => $errors )
                                foreach ( $errors as $error )
                                    foreach( $error as $item )
                                        $list .= '<li>' . $item . '</

        $output = '';
        if ( !empty($list) )
                $output = '
                        <div id="error-report">
                                <h4>' . __('The following errors need
to be corrected:', true)                                                        
                                ' . $list . '

        return $output;

// validation.php - _evaluate() function
    function _evaluate($validation, $messageOnFail, $fieldName = null,
$params = array())
        if ($validation)
            return true;

        if(!preg_match("/does not match pattern/",$messageOnFail))
                if (!isset($params['message']))
                    $params['message'] = Inflector::humanize($fieldName) . "
" . $messageOnFail . ".";

                if ($params['message'])
= $params['message'];
        return false;

Give that a try, and see if it works for you.

One thing you'll notice, and it may not be something that you want:
I've put an extra conditional in there so that any error messages
return from the validatePattern function don't get added to the array.
Reason I did this was because I'm pattern matching the email address,
but the only error I want to see is "this is not a valid email" - I
don't want to see the other one about it not matching the pattern.
Obviously if you're using patterns directly, this is not the way to

On Feb 8, 1:27 pm, "mcgordon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I totally agree that my solution is a hack. The deeper array would
> definitely be the way to go for multiple error mesages.  The only
> reason I didnt suggest it is that the validationErrors array is part
> of the core model class and I dont want to play around with its
> structure in case it breaks other things in the long run. If it works
> for you, post your code. Id love to see it.

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