On 2/27/07, AD7six <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 27, 8:42 am, "Adrian Maier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 2/27/07, Langdon Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > My understanding is that Cake 1.1.x.x doesn't support multi-column keys.
> >
> > > This feature request in track:https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/1293
> > > indicates that the priority for this feature is very low and unlikely to
> > > be implemented.
> >
> > > Are you working with a legacy database?  Or is this your preferred way
> > > of building the primary key?
> >
> > Is this still true for Cake 1.2.x.x ?
> >
> > You might find this article interesting. It is about surrogate primary
> > key ( 'id' - integer )
> > which are sometimes convenient (from a performance point of view) but
> > are in fact
> > an evil compromise because such a primary key *does* allow row duplicates :
> Does it? I always thought not including a unique index on a table's
> data allowed duplicates.

It looks like we agree ...    duplicates are possible if you rely solely on the
surrogate id and you don't add an unique index to enforce the real primary

In fact , a table frequently will have are two primary keys:
- the surrogate one (numeric,  or fast update/delete)
- the real one , which uniquely identifies a row based on the entity's
  properties ( a person's social number,  a book's  ISBN, etc ).
Since the primary key can be only one, people will normally define
the id as "primary key" and an "unique index" for the real key .

But primary key and "unique index" is basically the same thing : the difference
is that a table can have only one primary key , while the unique indexes
can be more than one. "primary key" is just syntactic sugar for "unique and
not null" .

> And I feel that's all the article proves. The PK is for identifying a
> row of data, a unique index is for preventing duplicates. There are
> times when the two can be one and the same, but in most cases they
> should not - if only because choosing something that seems to be
> unique which turns out not to be, or in some cases is null, is so
> difficult to rectify (quickly).

> What does this mean (extract from comments by the article author
> regarding one of the examples of why surrogate keys are bad):
> "You're correct, though, that because of the size of the key (three
> columns, one of them up to 100 chars of text) the table carried an
> INT4 surrogate key which is what we used for joins and application
> logic"

At work we are writing some modules for a mass billing application (for
a telephony company) that uses a large database (oracle). For example
the account_number is a varchar(20)  and is heavily used as primary key
and foreign key. The performance is a serious consideration and yet they
have chosen to have varchar PKs  when their saw fit.

So, i don't think that using other types of PKs is a noticeable penalty
for small and medium databases .

> My take is "the table had a normal PK", and kind of reinforces /why/ a
> numeric unique id field is used and useful as a prmiary key, and /why/
> a unique index on a table's data doesn't and shouldn't serve the same
> purpose.
> All IMO of course :),


Best wishes,

Adrian Maier

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