Acutally i primarly meant the comments inside the post. (in the
linguistic meaning of comment there can be comments *inside* a post,
not only  comments *on* the post)
And whenever somebody agrees with (comments *on* the post) that, it
counts too.
some quotes: "I hardly understand this decision of the Cake Software
Fondation." or even "Grrr I would like to kick the ass of the "someone
who didn't like the idea...""

On Mar 7, 3:05 pm, "Dr. Tarique Sani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On the blogpost i read some negative comments towards "the authors" of
> > cakephp.
> Which comment in particular?
> There are somethings which can be inferred as negative about Cake
> Foundation in the post itself but I did not find anything in the
> comments...
> Tarique

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